artificial vs natural turf for soccer field

Is Artificial Turf Better than Natural Turf on a Soccer Field?

This article provides a detailed comparison of artificial turf and natural turf as they pertain to soccer fields. It covers the advantages and disadvantages of both types of turf, and aims to help those who are responsible for maintaining and upgrading soccer fields, such as coaches, athletic directors, groundskeepers, and park managers, to make an informed decision when choosing the right type of turf for their field. This information could be useful for anyone who wants to understand more about artificial turf and natural turf and their suitability for soccer fields.

What is the best type of turf for a soccer field?

best turf for soccer field

The best type of turf for a soccer field depends on a variety of factors such as budget, location, weather conditions, and usage intensity.

Artificial turf is a popular choice for soccer fields because of its low maintenance costs, consistent playing surface, all-weather usability and long lifespan. Artificial turf can be used in a variety of climates and weather conditions, and it can withstand heavy usage, making it ideal for sports fields that receive frequent use. Also, artificial turf can provide a safe and high-quality playing surface for athletes of all levels and can help to reduce the risk of injuries.

Natural turf is also a suitable option for a soccer field as it can provide a more natural sports experience, and it can have better ball handling, cooling playing surface and more natural look and feel. Natural turf requires regular maintenance, such as mowing, fertilizing, aerating, and watering, but when it is properly maintained, it can provide a high-quality and safe playing surface. Natural turf is more suitable for warmer and wetter climates, where natural grass can thrive and receive enough water.

Ultimately, it’s suggested to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of the field and user, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as the local climate and weather conditions when deciding which type of turf is best for a soccer field.

Is natural turf or artificial turf better for soccer fields?

The choice between artificial turf and natural grass for a soccer field typically depends on a variety of factors, including cost, maintenance, weather conditions, and usage. Here are some conditions where one might be preferred over the other:

Artificial turfNatural grass
  • In areas with extreme weather conditions that make it difficult to maintain natural grass, such as prolonged droughts or extremely cold winters.
  • In areas with moderate weather conditions that are conducive to growing natural grass.
  • For soccer facilities that
    • see a high level of usage, such as stadiums or multi-purpose sports complexes, where natural grass may not be able to withstand the constant wear and tear.
    • have limited resources for maintenance and need a low-maintenance option.
    • want the field to be available for use all year round and independent of weather conditions.
    • seeking for long-term cost-effectiveness.
  • For soccer facilities that
    • do not see as high of a usage level, such as community parks or small-scale sports facilities.
    • are able to devote the resources necessary for regular maintenance, such as watering, fertilizing, and mowing.
    • prioritize the aesthetic appeal and the feeling of playing on natural grass.
    • prioritize player safety and comfort.

Artificial turf technology and materials have come a long way in recent years and they are not as bad as they were in the past. But natural grass, is still the preferred choice in most cases, and the choice of turf depends on many other factors such as location, budget, available resources, and the level of play that is expected on the field.

Advantages of artificial turf

artificial soccer field turf

Lower maintenance costs

One of the major advantages of artificial turf over natural turf is its lower maintenance costs. Artificial soccer turf requires less maintenance than natural turf, such as mowing, watering, and fertilizing, which can save money and labor over time. This is because artificial turf is made of synthetic fibers that do not require sunlight, water, or nutrients to grow. As a result, it does not need to be mowed, watered, or fertilized as frequently as natural turf. Besides, artificial turf does not require regular maintenance for weed control, pest control, or aeration. This can lead to substantial cost savings in the long term.

Consistent playing surface

Another advantage of artificial turf is that it provides a consistent and level playing surface, which helps to reduce player injury and ensures fair play. Because artificial turf is manufactured to a specific height and density, it maintains a consistent and even playing surface throughout the field, unlike natural turf which can become worn or uneven over time. This is especially beneficial for sports like soccer, where an even playing surface is crucial for player safety and fair play.

Artificial turf does not get affected by weather conditions, like heavy rain or extreme heat, which can change the conditions of natural grass fields making it less safe for players and affects the game, unlike artificial turf, it will stay the same regardless of weather conditions, allowing games to be played as scheduled and providing a consistent playing surface all year-round.

All-weather usability

Artificial turf can be used in all types of weather, whereas natural turf can become muddy or hard in certain conditions, which can be unsafe for players. This is because artificial soccer turf is made of synthetic fibers that are designed to drain quickly, which reduces the risk of standing water and mud on the playing surface. This means that games and practices can be held as scheduled, even in wet or rainy weather, without the need to cancel or reschedule.

It does not get worn down or affected by extreme heat and sunlight, like natural grass does, which makes it possible to use it all year-round, and for longer periods during the day. This can be beneficial for teams and organizations that have limited practice and game fields, as artificial turf can be used more frequently without the risk of damage.

Longer lifespan

Artificial turf can last for several years with proper maintenance, whereas natural turf may require regular replacement. The lifespan of artificial turf will depend on factors such as the quality of the turf, the frequency of use, and the level of maintenance, but it can typically last between 8 to 15 years. This is because artificial turf is made of durable synthetic fibers that are designed to withstand heavy use and weather conditions, and it does not require the same level of maintenance as natural turf.

While the initial installation of the artificial turf might be more expensive than natural turf, in the long run it proves to be cost-effective due to the savings in maintenance and replacement costs. This also provides a higher level of predictability to the budget, knowing that the field is going to be usable for a long period of time.

Can withstand heavy usage

Compared to natural soccer turf, artificial turf is more durable and can withstand heavy usage and events without showing signs of wear and tear. This is because artificial turf is made of synthetic fibers that are designed to resist the impact of cleats, which can damage natural grass. The infill and backing of the turf are designed to distribute the weight of players and equipment, which reduces the wear on the surface.

Artificial turf fields can be used for multiple sports, unlike natural grass which can be worn down by certain sports. Football, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and field hockey can all be played on artificial turf, which makes it a versatile option for multi-sport facilities. Furthermore, high-traffic areas such as stadiums and arenas, artificial turf is ideal for hosting events, it can withstand the weight and traffic of spectators, equipment and event operations, and can be ready for use quickly after the event.

Advantages of natural turf

soccer pitch that uses natural grass

Natural look and feel

One of the main advantages of natural turf is its natural look and feel. Natural turf has a natural appearance and feel that many people find more aesthetically pleasing than artificial turf. It is a preferred option for many because it has a natural appearance that can blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment and create a sense of natural beauty and serenity. Many people find it more visually pleasing than artificial turf, which can have a plastic or artificial appearance.

Natural turf can also be essential in certain settings, like public parks and golf courses, where maintaining a natural aesthetic is a priority. Besides, it can provide a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, especially for sports fans and athletes that are used to playing on natural grass fields. It also creates a more natural sports experience which can be preferred by some athletes and fans.

Better ball handling

Another merit of natural turf is that it tends to provide a better surface for ball handling, allowing for improved traction and a more authentic playing experience. Because natural turf is grown in soil, the fibers are longer and more flexible than synthetic fibers found in artificial turf. This allows for better grip and more realistic ball movement, which can enhance the playing experience. Natural grass can be grown to different heights and mowed at different lengths to suit different sports and preferences, providing ideal ball-surface interactions

Natural turf also has a better “give” when a player runs on it, this can be beneficial as it can absorb some of the impact and reduce the potential for injury. For sports like soccer, natural grass can provide a more natural and authentic ball movement, which can be crucial for elite-level players who are used to playing on natural grass fields.

Cooler playing surface

Natural turf is cooler to the touch than artificial turf, which can provide a more comfortable playing experience for athletes, especially in hot weather. Natural turf is able to cool itself through transpiration, which is the process by which plants release water vapor into the air through their leaves. This can help to cool the surface of the turf, which can be especially beneficial during hot summer months when artificial turf can become very hot.

Moreover, natural grass absorbs sunlight and UV radiation, which results in less heat being reflected back. This can be beneficial for athletes, as it can help to reduce heat-related injuries and fatigue.

Natural turf can also act as a natural sunscreen, providing shaded areas around the field where players and spectators can cool down.

Low toxicity

Natural turf does not contain the same chemicals and materials that are found in artificial turf, making it a safer and healthier option for players and the environment. Natural turf is made of grass and soil, which are both natural and biodegradable materials, unlike artificial turf which is made of synthetic fibers, rubber and sometimes heavy metals.

Artificial turf has been a topic of concern for some environmental and health organizations, as it can contain a variety of chemicals and materials that can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. These can include lead, heavy metals, rubber infill, and other potentially harmful chemicals. In contrast, natural turf does not contain these materials and does not pose the same risks to human health or the environment.

Better for the environment

Natural soccer turf also has the advantage of being better for the environment in several ways. First, natural turf helps to purify the air by absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. This can help to reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gases in the air.

Natural turf is able to reduce the urban heat island effect, which is the phenomenon where urban areas are significantly warmer than surrounding rural areas. Natural turf, like other vegetation, can help to cool the air and reduce the urban heat island effect by shading the ground and releasing water vapor through transpiration. It also helps to prevent soil erosion. The roots of the grass help to hold the soil in place and absorb water, which can prevent soil erosion and runoff.

More natural sports experience

Playing soccer on natural grass can provide a more authentic and traditional playing experience, as many sports were first played on natural grass. This can be necessary for elite-level players who are used to playing on natural grass fields, and for fans who are used to watching sports on natural grass fields. The natural grass can also provide a softer and more forgiving surface for athletes, reducing the risk of injury.

Besides, natural grass can provide a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, especially for sports fans and athletes that are used to playing on natural grass fields. It can create a more traditional and classic feel to the game, and can be more aesthetically pleasing for some people.

Disadvantages of artificial turf

Higher installation costs

One of the main disadvantages of artificial turf is that it has higher installation costs than natural turf. Artificial soccer turf is initially more expensive to install than natural turf because it requires the use of specialized materials and installation techniques. The cost can include the cost of synthetic turf, infill, drainage systems, and other materials, as well as the cost of installation and labor.

The cost difference will vary depending on the location, size of the field, and the type of artificial turf selected, but in general, the initial investment of artificial turf is higher than natural grass. This can make it a less cost-effective option for some organizations, municipalities and individuals, especially those that have limited budgets.

Risk of injury

Some studies have shown that artificial turf may increase the risk of injury for athletes, particularly for players who experience a lot of contact with the ground, such as soccer and American football players. This is because the surface of artificial turf can be harder and less forgiving than natural grass, which can lead to an increased risk of injuries such as abrasions, burns, and more serious injuries like concussions.

The synthetic fibers and infill materials used in artificial turf can cause more friction than natural grass, which can increase the risk of injury from falls and sliding. Moreover, the surface of the artificial turf can be less forgiving than natural grass and some players may find it harder or uncomfortable to run or slide on it, leading to more injuries.

Can be abrasive

The synthetic fibers and rubber infill of artificial turf can be harsh on the skin, especially when players fall or slide on the surface. Artificial turf fibers can be more abrasive than natural grass, which can cause skin irritation, abrasions, and minor burns, especially to players who have skin contact with the turf. This can be especially concerning for athletes who participate in sports that involve a lot of contact with the ground, such as soccer, American football, and field hockey.

Limited color options

Artificial turf is generally available in shades of green, which can make it difficult to match the surrounding landscape or create a natural-looking environment. This can be a significant drawback for certain settings, like public parks and golf courses, where a natural aesthetic is a priority.

Besides, artificial turf can have a plastic or artificial appearance, which can be noticeable and less visually appealing than natural grass. The synthetic fibers and rubber infill of artificial turf do not replicate the natural variations of color, texture and sheen of natural grass. Furthermore, the synthetic materials of artificial turf are more prone to fading and discoloration, which can affect the overall appearance and durability of the turf over time.

Possibility of infill migration

Over time, the infill material used in artificial turf can become dislodged and migrate to other areas of the turf, which can affect the performance and safety of the turf.

Infill migration can happen for a number of reasons, such as heavy use, weather, poor installation and lack of maintenance. When the infill material migrates it can create uneven playing surface, cause compaction and damage to the synthetic fibers, as well as create a tripping hazard for the athletes. This can lead to a reduction in the quality of the playing surface and an increased risk of injury.

Limited natural drainage

Artificial turf does not absorb water naturally, which means that a proper drainage system must be designed, built and well-maintained to avoid water pooling and mud.

Artificial turf relies on its drainage system to disperse water and keep the field in good condition, but if the drainage system is not properly designed or maintained, water can build up on the surface, creating a safety hazard and making the field unplayable. Poor drainage can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can further damage the turf and be harmful to the athletes.

It is highly recommended to ensure that the drainage system is well-designed, built and well-maintained, and to make sure that it can handle the amount of water expected in the area, this can help to avoid water pooling and ensure that the field is playable in wet conditions. This can be achieved by adding drainage pipes, gravel or crushed stone, or by installing a subsurface drainage system.

Can produce microplastics

Artificial turf is made up of plastic fibers which can create small plastic particles that can be easily spread and cause environmental pollution. The fibers of artificial turf can break down over time and when exposed to weathering, wear and tear, and UV radiation they can create microplastics. Microplastics are small plastic particles, less than 5mm in size, that can be easily transported by water and air, and can end up in oceans, rivers, and other natural habitats.

The microplastics from artificial turf can cause harm to marine life, terrestrial animals, and birds if ingested, and can also accumulate in soil and water which can harm local ecosystems. The use of rubber infill, which is common in artificial turf, can also produce microplastics, as the rubber can degrade over time and release small particles into the environment.

It’s crucial to properly dispose of old artificial turf, and look for turf products that use minimal plastic or those that use plastic from recycled sources.

Disadvantages of natural turf

Higher maintenance costs

Natural turf requires regular care such as mowing, fertilizing, aerating, and watering to keep the grass healthy and the playing surface safe and in good condition. This can be especially challenging for municipalities, sports clubs, or schools that have limited budgets or manpower to dedicate to turf maintenance.

The cost of natural turf maintenance includes the cost of labor, equipment, and materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, and water. The cost of maintenance will depend on the location, climate, and the size of the field, but it can be significant and ongoing. Natural turf is affected by weather conditions, such as drought, heavy rain, or frost, which can make maintenance more difficult and costly.

Although the maintenance costs of natural turf may be higher, natural turf can provide a higher quality and safer playing surface, and is better for the environment overall.

Weather dependency

Natural turf can become muddy or hard in extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or drought. This can make the field less safe for athletes and can affect the quality of play.

When it rains, natural turf can become slippery and muddy, which can make it difficult for athletes to maintain their footing and can increase the risk of injury. On the other hand, during droughts, the natural turf can become dry and hard, which can make the field less forgiving and can increase the risk of injuries such as strains and sprains. Extreme heat can cause natural turf to dry out, becoming brown and dead, making the field unplayable.

Limited use

Natural turf can become worn out and less playable over time due to heavy use, which can make the field less safe for athletes and can affect the quality of play.

Activities such as sports practices, games, and other events can cause wear and tear on natural turf, which can lead to bare spots, divots, and other damage. Heavy use can cause compaction of the soil, which can make it difficult for water, air and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass, which can affect the health of the turf.

Regular maintenance, such as aeration and topdressing, can help to minimize the effects of heavy use on natural turf, however it can be costly and time-consuming. Overuse can lead to accelerated wear and tear and may require frequent repairs and reseeding to keep the field playable and safe.

Requires water

Another disadvantage of natural turf is that it requires a consistent water source to grow, which can be an issue in areas that experience water shortages or droughts. Natural turf requires water to grow and stay healthy, and without a reliable source of water, the grass can become stressed, which can affect the quality and safety of the playing surface.

Lack of water can cause the natural turf to turn brown and dry, which can make the field less forgiving and can increase the risk of injuries such as strains and sprains. During droughts, many municipalities and organizations may enforce watering restrictions, which can make it difficult to keep the field in optimal condition.

Limited lifetime

Natural turf has a limited lifetime and will eventually need to be reseeded, re-sodded, or completely replaced. Natural turf can become worn out over time, due to heavy use, environmental factors, or other issues, which can make the field less safe for athletes and can affect the quality of play.

Regular maintenance can help to prolong the life of natural turf, but eventually, the grass will require more significant work, such as reseeding or re-sodding, to keep it in optimal condition. The cost of reseeding or re-sodding can be significant, and it will require specialized labor and materials, which can make it a costly and time-consuming task.

The lifetime of the natural turf can depend on a number of factors such as weather conditions, environmental factors, maintenance schedule and the intensity of usage, but generally the natural turf has a shorter lifespan than artificial turf, which is why some organizations prefer the latter due to the lower maintenance cost and longer lifetime.

Can be affected by events

Natural turf can be affected by events such as concerts, festivals, or fairs, which can cause damage to the playing surface and require costly repairs. Large events or gatherings can cause significant wear and tear on natural turf, which can lead to bare spots, divots, and other damage. The added foot traffic, equipment, and other factors associated with events can cause compaction of soil, lead to erosion and other issues, which can make the field less safe for athletes and affect the quality of play.

This can be especially challenging for municipalities, sports clubs, or schools that host events or gatherings and may not have the resources or budget to repair the damage. These events can cause disruptions to the regular maintenance schedule, and can affect the overall health of the turf.

Can be affected by foot traffic

Foot traffic can cause the soil to compact, which can make it difficult for water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass, which can affect the health of the turf.

Heavy foot traffic can cause the turf to wear out more quickly, leading to bare spots, divots, and other damage that can make the field less safe for athletes and affect the quality of play. This can be especially challenging for sports fields or public parks that receive heavy foot traffic. Regular maintenance, such as aeration and topdressing, can help to minimize the effects of foot traffic on natural turf, however it can be costly and time-consuming.

May require irrigation

Natural turf requires water to grow and stay healthy, and without a reliable source of water, the grass can become stressed, which can affect the quality and safety of the playing surface. While natural turf may receive some water from natural sources such as rain, it may not be enough to sustain it during dry seasons. This may require irrigation to ensure the turf stays healthy and green.

Irrigation systems can be costly to install and maintain, and can consume large amounts of water, which can be an issue in areas that experience water shortages or droughts. Irrigation systems can be complicated to operate and may require specialized labor and knowledge to maintain, which can add to the cost of maintenance.

Requires regular fertilization

Fertilization is essential for natural turf to grow and maintain its green color, but it can also be costly and use chemical fertilizers which can have negative impact on the environment.

Fertilization is done to ensure the grass receives the necessary nutrients to grow. Fertilizers come in a variety of forms such as liquids, granular, and slow-release, and they can be composed of different blends of macronutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) and micronutrients. Fertilizers can be costly, especially when the field is large, and it requires regular application.


Both artificial and natural turf have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to a soccer field. Artificial turf is a popular choice for soccer fields because of its low maintenance costs, consistent playing surface, all-weather usability and long lifespan. However, it also has some disadvantages such as risk of injury, limited color options, possibility of infill migration and limited natural drainage. On the other hand, natural turf has its own benefits like natural look and feel, better ball handling, cooler playing surface, and low toxicity. But it also requires high maintenance costs, weather dependency, limited use and can be affected by pests.

If you are in the process of deciding which type of turf to choose for your soccer field, consider reaching out to us for a free consultation. Our team of experts have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the information and guidance you need to make an informed decision. We understand that choosing the right type of turf for a soccer field can be a challenging task and we are here to help. We will take into account your specific needs, budget, location, weather conditions, and usage intensity, to provide you with a customized solution that best meets your requirements. Don’t hesitate to contact us, and let us help you make the best decision for your soccer field.

Contact us for a free consultation