500W LED Basketball Court Lights

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Replace1000-1200W Metal Halide
Color Temp5500K
Beam angle45°, 90°, 120°
Input voltage110 to 285V
Life span150,000 hours


Elevate your basketball court experience with our cutting-edge lighting solution, meticulously engineered to meet the demanding requirements of the game while prioritizing energy efficiency and performance. Boasting a power rating of 500W, our lighting solution delivers optimal brightness across the entire court, ensuring clear visibility and enhancing player performance without compromising on energy efficiency. With a powerful luminous flux of 60,000lm, our lights illuminate every corner of the court, providing exceptional visibility and safety for players and spectators alike. Designed to replace traditional 1000-1200W Metal Halide lamps, our product offers a seamless transition to modern, energy-efficient lighting technology, significantly reducing operational costs while maintaining superior illumination quality.

Our lighting solution features a color temperature of 5500K, delivering crisp, natural lighting conducive to clear visibility and accurate color rendition, essential for immersive gameplay. Customizable beam angles of 45°, 90°, and 120° ensure versatile lighting distribution options tailored to the unique layout and requirements of basketball courts, guaranteeing uniform illumination and minimizing glare. Built to accommodate input voltages ranging from 110V to 285V, our lighting solution offers flexibility and compatibility with various electrical systems, simplifying installation and maintenance processes.

With a high CRI (Color Rendering Index) of 80+, our lighting solution accurately reproduces colors, textures, and details on the basketball court, enhancing visual clarity and enabling players to perceive their surroundings with precision. Furthermore, our lights boast an impressive lifespan of 150,000 hours, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability while minimizing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance. Whether for recreational games, competitive tournaments, or professional training sessions, our lighting solution sets the standard for excellence in basketball court illumination, providing consistent, high-quality lighting for years to come. Experience basketball in a whole new light with our state-of-the-art lighting solution and elevate your game to new heights.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time to learn more about our lighting design and consultation services, as well as the discounted price of our 500W LED Basketball Court Lights. We look forward to helping you enhance the game experience for your basketball courts.