how much does it cost to resurface basketball court

Cost to Resurface Your Basketball Court: Time to Revitalize Your Court

Resurfacing a basketball court involves removing the existing surface and replacing it with a new layer. This process can include various steps such as cleaning, repair, and preparation of the existing surface, as well as the installation of the new layer. The new surface can be made of various materials such as acrylic, asphalt, or modular tile. The goal of resurfacing is to improve the overall appearance, safety and performance of the court. It also helps to extend the life of the court, by protecting it from wear and tear and providing a smooth, even playing surface.

How much does it cost to resurface a basketball court?

Here is a detailed breakdown of the cost to resurface a standard, full-size basketball court (94×50 ft) based on some assumptions and estimates. Keep in mind that these costs can vary depending on factors such as location, materials used, and the condition of the existing surface.

ItemsCost involvedNote
Materials$2,000 to $4,000This cost will depend on the type of materials used, such as acrylic, asphalt, or modular tile.
Labor$2,000 to $4,000It depends on the complexity of the project, such as the condition of the existing surface, and the amount of preparation and repair work that needs to be done. Labor costs can vary by region, so it’s recommended to get local prices.
Equipment and Tools $500 to $1,000The expenses depend on the equipment and tools needed for the project, such as power tools, rollers, and paint brushes.
Permits and inspections$200 to $500Depending on your location, permits and inspections may be required for the project. This cost will depend on the regulations in your area.
Additional Features$500 to $1,000If you want additional features such as lines, logos, or graphics, this cost will depend on the complexity of the design and the amount of materials and labor required to install them.
Contingency10-15% of the total costIt’s always a good idea to have a contingency fund to cover any unexpected expenses that may arise during the project.
Total cost$5,200 to $9,000It’s worth noting that the cost of a half-court (47×50 ft) resurfacing project will be lower, it can range between $2,500 to $5,000.

Factors that affect the resurfacing cost

half court is cheaper to resurface

Size of the basketball court

The size of the basketball court can have a significant impact on the cost of resurfacing. A larger court will require more materials and labor, which will drive up the cost. Additionally, if the court is not a standard size, or has unique features such as angled corners or irregular shapes, the cost may be higher.

On average, the cost to resurface a standard full-size basketball court (94×50 ft) ranges from $3,000 to $7,800. However, the cost can vary depending on factors such as location, materials used, and the condition of the existing surface.

Keep in mind that smaller courts will have a lower cost. It is more affordable to resurface a half-court (47×50 ft) which the cost can range between $1,500 to $4,200.

We may get multiple quotes and compare the prices to make sure you are getting the best deal. It’s also recommended to ask for references and take a look at the previous work of the contractor you are considering.

Materials used

Different types of materials have different price points and have different benefits, durability, and maintenance requirements. The most common materials used for resurfacing basketball courts are:


This is a popular choice for resurfacing basketball courts because it is durable, slip-resistant, and provides a consistent playing surface. Acrylic surfaces are also relatively low-maintenance and can last for several years. The cost of acrylic resurfacing ranges from $4 to $8 per square foot.


Asphalt is a cheaper option compared to acrylic, but it is not as durable and requires more maintenance. Asphalt surfaces can be prone to cracking and require regular sealcoating to prevent damage. The cost of asphalt resurfacing ranges from $3 to $5 per square foot.

Modular tile

This is another popular option for basketball court resurfacing. Modular tiles are made of plastic and can be laid over an existing surface. They are durable, low-maintenance and provide good traction. These tiles can be a bit more expensive than acrylic or asphalt, with a cost of around $8 to $12 per square foot.


In general, urban areas tend to have higher labor and materials costs than rural areas. This is because the cost of living is higher in urban areas, and there is often more demand for construction services. This can cause prices to be higher in urban areas compared to rural areas.

Besides, some regions may have different regulations and codes for basketball courts, which can affect the cost. For example, some areas may require specific materials or have stricter safety standards. These regulations can add to the cost of the project, as the contractor may need to make additional preparations to meet them.

Condition of the existing court surface

If the surface is in good condition, the cost will likely be lower, as less preparation and repair work will be required. However, if the surface is in poor condition, extra work will be needed to repair cracks, holes, or other damage, which can increase the cost of the project.

If the existing surface is in poor condition, the contractor may need to do additional work such as filling in cracks, leveling the surface, or even removing the existing surface before the new surface can be installed. This additional work can add to the cost of the project.

Additional features

Additional features such as lines, logos, or graphics can also affect the cost of resurfacing a basketball court. These features can add to the cost of the project because they require supplementary materials and labor to install.

For example, if you want to have a logo or graphic painted on the court, it will require more steps such as creating a stencil and painting the design, which can add to the cost. Lines and markings, such as those for different sports like volleyball, tennis, or hockey, will also add to the cost.

Why do we need to resurface the basketball court?

importance of resurfacing basketball court


Safety is a primary concern when it comes to resurfacing a basketball court. A well-maintained court surface can reduce the risk of injuries by providing a smooth, even playing surface that is slip-resistant. A worn-out surface can be hazardous to players, creating an increased risk of slips and falls.

A worn-out court surface can have several safety hazards such as, uneven surfaces, holes, cracks, and puddles. These hazards can cause players to trip, slip, or fall, which can result in serious injuries. A new surface can eliminate these hazards, providing a safer playing environment for players.

Moreover, different materials used for resurfacing have different safety features, for example, acrylic surfaces are slip-resistant, and can provide a consistent playing surface that is not too fast or too slow. Modular tile surfaces are also slip-resistant, and provide good traction. Asphalt surfaces are more slippery and may require regular sealcoating to prevent damage.

In addition, the court surface should be properly maintained, it should be regularly cleaned, inspected, and repaired to ensure that it remains safe for players. Regular resurfacing can help to ensure that the court surface remains in good condition and safe to play on.


A properly surfaced court can improve the overall performance of the players. A new surface can provide a consistent playing surface that is not too fast or too slow, it can increase the ball’s bounce and make it easier to run and jump.

  • Increased traction – A smooth, level surface can provide better traction for players, allowing them to make quick turns and sudden stops without slipping.
  • Enhanced ball bounce – A well-maintained surface can provide a consistent and predictable ball bounce, making it easier for players to control the ball and make accurate shots.
  • Reduced injuries – A level and slip-resistant surface can help prevent accidents and injuries caused by uneven or slippery areas on the court.
  • Improved visibility – A fresh coat of paint or coating can help make the lines and markings of the court more visible and clear, which is vital for players to see the boundaries and make accurate shots.
  • Better regulation compliance – Many competitive basketball court need to be resurfaced to meet the regulation of the governing body.


Regularly resurfacing a basketball court can extend the life of the court. By protecting the surface from wear and tear, and by preventing the growth of moss and algae, a new surface can help to keep the court in good condition for a longer period.

  • Protecting the surface – A new layer of coating or paint can help protect the surface of the court from weather damage and deterioration.
  • Filling in cracks and gaps – Resurfacing can help repair any cracks or gaps in the surface of the court, which can prevent water from seeping in and causing further damage.
  • Improving drainage – Resurfacing can help ensure proper drainage on the court, which can prevent water from pooling on the surface and causing damage.
  • Enhancing durability – A well-maintained surface can be more durable and resistant to wear and tear, reducing the need for frequent repairs or resurfacing.
  • Making it regulation compliant – Many competitive basketball court need to be resurfaced to meet the regulation of the governing body.


A well-maintained court can improve the overall appearance of the court. A new surface can give the court a fresh look and make it more inviting for players and spectators.

  • Create a sense of pride – A well-maintained and visually appealing court can create a sense of pride for players, coaches, and fans, and make the facility more attractive for visitors.
  • Help with the regulation – Many competitive basketball court need to be resurfaced to meet the regulation of the governing body, which includes the visual aspect of the court.
  • Attract more players: – A visually appealing court can be more attractive to players, encouraging them to use the facility more often.
  • Increase the value of the facility – A well-maintained and visually pleasing court can add value to the facility and make it more attractive to potential investors or renters.
  • Improve the overall experience – Aesthetics can make the overall experience of playing and watching basketball more enjoyable, making the game more engaging and visually stimulating.

Basketball court resurfacing frequently asked questions

How often does a basketball court need to be resurfaced?

The frequency of resurfacing depends on the amount of use and weather conditions, but generally a basketball court should be resurfaced every 5-8 years.

What is the process of resurfacing a basketball court?

The process of resurfacing a basketball court typically includes: cleaning and preparing the surface, making any necessary repairs, applying a new layer of coating or paint, and allowing it to dry.

Can a basketball court be resurfaced by DIY?

Resurfacing a basketball court is a complex process that requires specific equipment and knowledge. It is not recommended to attempt a DIY resurfacing as it can result in an uneven surface and potential safety hazards. It is best to hire a professional to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

Can a basketball court be resurfaced during winter?

Resurfacing a basketball court during the winter is not ideal as the surface will not be able to dry properly in cold temperatures. It is best to wait until the weather is warmer to ensure the surface is able to dry correctly and the resurfacing is done correctly.

Can a basketball court be resurfaced with multiple colors?

Yes, a basketball court can be resurfaced with multiple colors. This can be achieved by using a combination of different colored paints and coatings or by creating designs or patterns with different colors. It’s best to hire a professional to ensure the design and execution is done correctly.


Resurfacing a basketball court is an essential step in maintaining a safe, playable, and attractive surface. It can improve the overall performance of the players and extend the life of the court, while providing a safer playing environment. The cost of resurfacing can vary depending on factors such as location, materials used, and the condition of the existing surface. We may get multiple quotes and compare prices to make sure you are getting the best deal. It’s also recommended to ask for references and take a look at the previous work of the contractor you are considering.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the resurfacing of a basketball court, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and concerns. Our team of experts have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the best solution for your basketball court resurfacing project. We understand that every court is unique and we will work with you to ensure that your court is resurfaced to your exact specifications. So please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Contact us for a free consultation