how many lumens to light football stadium

How Many Lumens to Light a Football Stadium?

Lighting is an essential factor in the quality and enjoyment of a football game. Adequate lighting allows players to see the field clearly, which can improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury. Proper lighting can also enhance the viewing experience for fans and make the game more exciting and engaging. In addition, having good lighting can help to deter crime and improve safety in and around the stadium. Overall, having proper lighting is essential for a successful and enjoyable football game.

Recommended lumens for different types of football stadiums

Professional football stadiums

lighting for professional football stadium

Professional football stadiums typically require a high level of lighting to ensure that the players can see the field clearly and perform at their best. These stadiums may require a lumen output of 500-1,500 lumens per square foot, depending on the size of the stadium and the specific requirements of the league.

When selecting lighting fixtures for a professional football stadium, we shall consider the energy efficiency and lifespan of the fixtures, as well as their lumen output. LED lighting fixtures are a popular choice for professional football stadiums due to their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and high lumen output. However, other types of fixtures, such as HID (high-intensity discharge) lamps, may also be suitable depending on the specific requirements of the facility.

We can consider the height of the lighting fixtures and the desired level of brightness when determining the appropriate lumen output for a professional football stadium. A lighting expert can help to determine the best combination of fixtures and lumen output to meet the specific needs of the facility.

Amateur football stadiums

amateur football stadium

Amateur football stadiums may require fewer lumens compared to professional stadiums, as the level of play is generally lower and the players may not need as much visibility to perform at their best. These stadiums may require a lumen output of 300-700 lumens per square foot, depending on the size of the stadium and the desired level of brightness.

When selecting lighting fixtures for an amateur football stadium, it is vital to consider the energy efficiency and lifespan of the fixtures, as well as their lumen output. LED lighting fixtures are a popular choice for amateur football stadiums due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan, but other types of fixtures, such as HID (high-intensity discharge) lamps, may also be suitable depending on the specific requirements of the facility.

We can also consider the height of the lighting fixtures and the desired level of brightness when determining the appropriate lumen output for an amateur football stadium. A lighting expert can help to determine the best combination of fixtures and lumen output to meet the specific needs of the facility.

Indoor football stadiums

indoor football stadium light

Indoor football stadiums may require less lighting overall due to the lack of natural light, but the specific lumen requirements will depend on the size of the stadium and the desired level of brightness. Indoor football stadiums may require a lumen output of 300-700 lumens per square foot, depending on the specific needs of the facility.

Factors to consider when determining the number of lumens needed for a football stadium

Size of the stadium

The size of a football stadium is a critical factor to consider when determining the number of lumens needed to adequately light the field. Generally, larger stadiums will require more lumens to ensure that the entire field is adequately lit. This is because the larger the area that needs to be lit, the more light is needed to adequately illuminate it. When calculating the number of lumens needed for a football stadium, we shouldn’t just the size of the field, but also the height of the lighting fixtures and the desired level of brightness. All of these factors will play a role in determining the overall lumen output required to adequately light the stadium.

Desired level of brightness

Different levels of brightness may be required depending on the type of football being played, the specific requirements of the league, and the preferences of the players and fans.

For professional football games, it is generally recommended to have a higher level of brightness to ensure that the players can see the field clearly and perform at their best. For amateur or recreational games, a lower level of brightness may be sufficient.

Type of lighting fixtures

The type of lighting fixtures used in a football stadium can also impact the number of lumens needed to adequately light the field. Different types of fixtures, such as LED or HID, can have different lumen outputs and may be more or less suitable for a given application.

LED lighting fixtures are becoming increasingly popular in football stadiums due to their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and high lumen output. LED fixtures can produce a high level of brightness with relatively low lumen outputs, making them a good choice for lighting large areas such as a football field.

HID (high-intensity discharge) lighting fixtures, such as metal halide or sodium vapor lamps, are also commonly used in football stadiums. These fixtures produce a high level of brightness, but typically require a higher lumen output than LED fixtures to produce the same level of brightness.


Adequate lighting allows players to see the field clearly, which can improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury. Proper lighting can also enhance the viewing experience for fans and make the game more exciting and engaging.

When determining the number of lumens needed to adequately light a football stadium, we need to consider the size of the stadium, the desired level of brightness, the type of lighting fixtures, and the type of football being played. Professional football stadiums may require a higher level of lighting compared to amateur or recreational stadiums, and indoor stadiums may require less lighting overall due to the lack of natural light.

It is recommended to consult with a lighting expert and consider all relevant factors when deciding on the number of lumens needed for a football stadium. Proper lighting is essential for a successful and enjoyable football game.

If you are considering upgrading the lighting in your football stadium, we encourage you to contact us for a free lighting design consultation. Our team of lighting experts will work with you to determine the appropriate number of lumens needed to adequately light your stadium, taking into account factors such as the size of the stadium, the desired level of brightness, the type of lighting fixtures, and the type of football being played. With our expertise and knowledge of the latest lighting technologies, we can help you choose the best lighting solution for your needs. Contact us today to schedule your free lighting design consultation and take the first step towards improving the lighting in your football stadium.

Contact us for a free lighting consultation