how much does it cost to build a soccer field

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Soccer Field?

Building a soccer field can be a significant financial undertaking and there are several cost factors to consider. Some of the major cost factors include:

  • Site preparation – The cost of preparing the land for a soccer field can vary depending on factors such as the current condition of the land, the type of soil, and the need for excavation, grading, or drainage.
  • Turf installation – The type of turf you choose for your soccer field will have a significant impact on the overall cost of the project. Natural grass fields require ongoing maintenance, such as watering, fertilizing, and mowing, while artificial turf fields require less maintenance but may be more expensive to install initially.
  • Field lighting – If you plan to use the soccer field at night, you will need to install lighting. The cost of lighting can vary depending on the type of lighting you choose and the size of the field.
  • Amenities – Additional amenities such as restrooms, concessions, seating, and scoreboards can also add to the overall cost of the project.
  • Maintenance – The ongoing costs of maintaining a soccer field should be taken into account, like watering, mowing, fertilizing, etc

This guide is intended for anyone who is thinking about building a soccer field and would like to know more about the costs involved. It may be particularly useful for park and recreation departments, schools and universities, youth soccer clubs, and private individuals who are considering building a soccer field.

How to calculate the cost of building a soccer field?

soccer field construction cost calculation

There are many types of costs involved in building a soccer field. Let’s take a quick look at how to calculate the costs so you have a preliminary estimate and a budget plan.

  • Size of the field – A standard soccer field is approximately 100 yards by 50-100 yards (depending on level of play) or around 9,000 square yards. In this case, we will assume a standard size field that is 100 yards by 70 yards, which is 7,000 square yards.
  • Location – The cost of building a soccer field can vary depending on location. For example, building in a rural area may be less expensive than a urban area due to land and labor costs. In this case, we will assume a suburban location with moderate cost of land and labor.
  • Materials – The cost of materials can vary depending on the type of turf or grass used, drainage systems, fencing, and other equipment.
  • Turf or grass – Synthetic turf is more expensive than natural grass, but it requires less maintenance and can be used more frequently. A synthetic turf field can cost around $8-$12 per square foot, while a natural grass field can cost around $3-$5 per square foot. In this case, we will assume a synthetic turf field that cost $10 per square foot
  • Drainage system – A drainage system is necessary to ensure that water doesn’t pool on the field and make it unusable. The cost of a drainage system varies depending on the type of drainage system, but can range from $2-$3 per square foot. In this case, we will assume a cost of $2.5 per square foot
  • Fencing – Fencing is necessary to keep people and animals out of the field and to define the boundaries of the field. The cost of fencing can vary depending on the type of fencing and the length of the fencing required. A chain-link fence can cost around $10-$15 per linear foot, while a vinyl fence can cost around $20-$30 per linear foot. In this case, we will assume a chain-link fence that cost $12 per linear foot
  • Equipment (goals, lines, etc.) – The cost of equipment can vary depending on the quality and type of equipment. A set of goals, lines, corner flags and other equipment can cost around $10,000-$20,000. In this case, we will assume a cost of $15,000
  • Labor – The cost of labor can also vary depending on location and the complexity of the project. The cost of labor for a soccer field can range from $20-$30 per square foot. In this case, we will assume a labor cost of $25 per square foot

Using these estimates, the total cost for building a standard soccer field would be :
7000 sqft x $10/sqft + 7000 sqft x $2.5/sqft + (1270+100)$12/foot + $15,000 + 7000 sqft x $25/sqft = $245,500.

These are only estimates and costs can vary significantly depending on the specific details of the project, and the quality of the materials and labor used. Other costs, such as permits, design and engineering, and site preparation, may also need to be considered.

Soccer field construction cost breakdown

cost involved in building a soccer field

Site preparation

Site preparation is a crucial step in the construction of a soccer field, as it lays the foundation for the field itself. Some of the key elements of site preparation include:

Clearing and grading

This involves removing any trees, brush, and other obstacles from the site and leveling the land to create a flat, even surface. Depending on the size of the field and the condition of the land, this step can be relatively simple or quite complex and costly.

Excavation and soil stabilization

Depending on the type of soil on the site, excavation may be required to remove soil that is not suitable for turf growth and replace it with suitable soil. Some fields may require a sub-base of crushed stone or gravel to stabilize and provide proper drainage to the field.


Proper drainage is essential for a soccer field, as standing water can damage the turf and create a safety hazard for players. Drainage systems can include surface drainage, subsurface drainage, and even underground drainage systems, depending on the field and soil condition.

What is the cost of site preparation in the construction of a soccer field?

The cost of site preparation for a soccer field can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the field, the condition of the land, and the specific site preparation work that needs to be done. Here are some assumptions and estimates for the cost of site preparation for a soccer field:

  • A full-size (approx. 110 x 70 yard) soccer field requires about 2 acres of land
  • Site preparation costs for a 2-acre field can range from $15,000 to $50,000 or more.
  • The cost of clearing and grading the land can range from $3,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the size of the field and the amount of vegetation that needs to be removed.
  • Excavation and soil stabilization can range from $5,000 to $25,000 or more, depending on the type of soil and the amount of excavation that needs to be done.
  • Drainage installation costs can range from $5,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on the type of drainage system that is used and the size of the field.

These are rough estimates based on average costs, it may vary widely depending on location, weather conditions, the type of soil and ground, and other factors. For example, building a field on a rocky terrain or hard clay soil may require more excavation, soil stabilization and grading, which will increase the costs. Similarly, a soccer field located in an area with high water table may require a more complex drainage system, also increasing the costs. A detailed cost estimate would require a site evaluation by an experienced professional and a detailed construction plan.

Also, worth mentioning that these costs are based on the assumption that the land is ready to build on, if the land has environmental issues, unknown underground utilities or other issues that need to be addressed, it will add to the cost of site preparation.

Turf Installation

turf soccer field

Turf installation is a key step in building a soccer field, as the type of turf used can have a significant impact on the overall cost of the project as well as the playing surface, durability and maintenance. There are several options for turf installation, each with their own costs and benefits:

Natural grass

A natural grass field is the traditional choice for soccer fields, and it can provide a high-quality playing surface. However, natural grass fields require regular maintenance, such as mowing, watering, fertilizing, aeration, and reseeding, and this can add to the ongoing costs of the field.

Artificial turf

Artificial turf fields are becoming increasingly popular for soccer fields, as they require less maintenance and can be used more frequently than natural grass fields. However, they can be more expensive to install initially, and the cost can depend on the quality of the turf. Artificial turf fields require less maintenance than natural grass fields, but they will still require occasional cleaning and grooming.

Hybrid turf

Hybrid turf is the combination of artificial turf with natural grass, the artificial turf provides the durability and less maintenance and the natural grass provides the surface for playing and feel.

Suggested reading: Is natural turf or artificial turf better for soccer fields?

How much does it cost to lay the turf for a soccer field?

The cost of laying turf for a soccer field can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the type of turf you choose, the size of the field, and the location of the field.

  • A full-size (approx. 110 x 70 yard) soccer field requires about 2 acres of land
  • Natural grass turf can cost anywhere from $1.50 to $3.00 per square foot, depending on the type of grass and the quality of the sod. This means for a full-size field it would cost between $165,000 and $330,000
  • Artificial turf can cost anywhere from $8 to $15 per square foot. A full-size field would cost between $900,000 to $1.65 million
  • Hybrid turf can cost anywhere from $12 to $20 per square foot. A full-size field would cost between $1.32 million to $2.2 million

Soccer field lighting

light up the soccer pitch

Field lighting is a crucial aspect of building a soccer field, as it allows the field to be used at night and can improve the overall safety and quality of the playing experience. There are several options for field lighting, each with their own costs and benefits:

What lights are used in soccer field?

  • Traditional Metal Halide Lighting – This type of lighting uses metal halide lamps which provide a good level of illumination, but they consume a lot of energy, can take some time to warm-up and can burn out quickly.
  • LED Lighting – LED lighting is a more energy-efficient and cost-effective option. LED lights use less energy and produce less heat, and they have a longer lifespan than traditional metal halide lamps. They also come in different color temperature which can have different effects on the playing surface.
  • Solar Lighting – Solar lighting is a more environmentally-friendly option and it doesn’t require a power source, but it can be limited in terms of the number of hours it provides light.

How much does soccer field lighting cost?

  • Metal halide lighting can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000 or more for a full-size field.
  • LED soccer field lighting can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $70,000 or more for a full-size field.
  • Solar soccer lighting can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000 or more for a full-size field.


Construction of restrooms and concessions

Construction of restrooms and concessions is an essential aspect of building a soccer field, as they provide necessary facilities for players, coaches, referees and spectators. There are several options for construction of restrooms and concessions, each with their own costs and benefits:


It can vary in complexity and design, ranging from portable restrooms to permanent structures. Portable restrooms are less expensive but will require more frequent maintenance, while permanent structures are more expensive but will require less maintenance. Portable restrooms can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per unit, while Permanent restroom structures can cost anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 or more.


They are necessary for spectator’s comfort and revenue, this can be as simple as a vending machine or as complex as a full-service restaurant. Concession stand can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000.

Installation of seating and scoreboards

Installation of seating and scoreboards are two of the amenities that can be added to a soccer field to improve the overall playing experience and the comfort of the players, coaches, referees, and spectators.


The options can range from bleachers, grandstands, or individual seats, depending on the budget and the size of the field. The cost for installation of seating can vary greatly depending on the type of seating and the size of the field, installation of bleachers can cost from $30 to $50 per linear foot, while grandstands can cost from $150 to $200 per linear foot.


It can be digital or manual and vary in size, design, and cost. The cost of installation can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the type and size of scoreboard and the location of the field. LED scoreboards are generally more expensive than manual ones.


Maintenance ensures that the field is safe and suitable for playing, and that it lasts for as long as possible. Maintenance for a soccer field can include:

  • Mowing and trimming
  • Watering
  • Fertilizing
  • Aeration
  • Reseeding
  • Pest control
  • Field marking

The cost of maintenance can range from $10,000 to $25,000 or more per year. If the field is heavily used and requires more frequent mowing, watering, and fertilizing, the maintenance costs will be higher. Similarly, if the field is located in an area with a hot and dry climate, the costs of watering will be higher.

Factors that can affect the overall cost of building a soccer field

Size and complexity of the soccer field

The size and complexity of a soccer field can greatly affect the overall cost of building it. A larger field will require more materials and labor to construct, which will increase the overall cost. Similarly, a field that is more complex, such as one with multiple levels or significant grading, will also be more expensive to build.

The size of a soccer field is typically measured in terms of length and width. For example, a standard soccer field is around 100-130 yards long and 50-100 yards wide. The size of the field will depend on the level of play, for professional and international soccer the field size must adhere to the standards set by FIFA and for youth the size may vary.

Fields that are designed for specific levels of play, such as professional or youth leagues, may have specific size requirements that must be met, which can affect the overall cost.

Other complexities that can affect cost include things like multiple levels (e.g. a field built into a hillside), significant grading or excavation required, and the need for specialized features like underground drainage systems.


Building a soccer field in a remote or hard-to-access area can increase costs due to transportation and logistics. Also, building a soccer field in an urban area will generally be more expensive than building one in a rural area, due to higher land and labor costs.

For example, in urban areas, the cost of land may be higher and there may be more regulations and permits required. Besides, there may be additional costs associated with working around existing infrastructure and dealing with issues like limited access or tight construction sites.

In a rural area, the cost of land may be lower and there may be less regulations and permits required. However, there may be additional costs associated with things like bringing in materials or dealing with challenging site conditions.

Building a soccer field near the coast area or in an area that is prone to flooding will require more engineering and design work to prevent damage and also will increase the cost.

Type of soccer field

Natural grass fields are typically the most traditional and are often seen as the “gold standard” for soccer fields. They are made of real grass and are maintained by mowing, fertilizing, and watering. However, natural grass fields can be costly to maintain, especially in areas with harsh climates or heavy use. They also require more frequent replacement of the natural grass, this can be costly and might cause unplanned downtime for the field.

Artificial turf fields are made of synthetic materials that mimic the look and feel of natural grass. They are relatively low maintenance and can be used year-round. However, they can be costly to install, especially if they are to be used for professional soccer or other high-level activities. It also can get hot and get hard on the players.

Hybrid fields are a combination of natural grass and artificial turf. The natural grass is used in the playing surface and the artificial turf is used in the surrounding areas. This can be a compromise option that offers the benefits of both natural grass and artificial turf, but it also can be expensive.

Each type of field has its own pros and cons, and the best choice will depend on factors such as the level of play, available budget, and the field’s intended use.

Drainage and irrigation

Drainage and irrigation are essential for the proper functioning and maintenance of a soccer field, and the cost of these systems can be significant.


A good drainage system is necessary to prevent standing water on the field, which can lead to poor playing conditions and damage to the field. Drainage systems can include underground pipes, french drains, and surface grading. The cost of drainage will depend on factors such as the size of the field, the existing topography, and the type of drainage system used.


An irrigation system is necessary to keep the field hydrated, especially during the hot and dry season. The system may include a sprinkler system, drip irrigation, or manual irrigation. The cost of irrigation will depend on factors such as the size of the field, the existing topography, and the type of irrigation system used.

Drainage and irrigation systems are interrelated as well. A good drainage system allows water to be removed from the field while irrigation system keep it hydrated. The cost of these systems can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the field, and the type of system used. Moreover, the cost of maintaining and operating these systems also needs to be factored in as well.

The cost of these systems can be lower if a soccer field is located in an area with natural water resources (e.g. near a river) but the cost might increase if the area is prone to flooding and additional engineering work is needed to prevent damage.

Lighting in soccer field

If the field will be used for evening or nighttime games, the cost of lighting will need to be considered.

Type of lighting

There are several types of lighting that can be used for soccer fields, including metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and LED lights. LED lights are considered to be the most energy-efficient and long-lasting option, but they also tend to be the most expensive.

Number of lights

The number of lights required will depend on the size of the field and the desired level of illumination. A larger field will require more lights, which will increase the overall cost.

Height of poles

The height of the light poles will depend on the field size, and the desired level of illumination. taller poles will be more expensive than shorter poles.

Besides the initial cost of lighting, it’s necessary to consider the ongoing costs of maintenance, electricity usage and safety. We need to check if there are any regulations or guidelines from the local government or the soccer governing body that must be adhered to while installing the lights.


Amenities are additional facilities that can be added to a soccer field to make it more functional and comfortable for players and spectators. Some examples of amenities that can be added to a soccer field include:


Dugouts are covered areas where players can rest and prepare before and after games. They can be made of various materials such as wood, concrete or metal.


Seating can include both permanent seating, such as grandstands or bleachers, and portable seating, such as chairs or benches. Seating can increase the capacity of a soccer field and provide a more comfortable experience for spectators.


Storage can include both indoor and outdoor storage for equipment and other items. This may include storage sheds, lockers or storage room.

Concession stand

Concession stand can be added for spectators, providing food and beverage.


Restrooms are another essential amenity that can be added to a soccer field, providing sanitation facilities for players and spectators.

Professional fees

These fees can include the cost of design and engineering services, as well as project management.

Design and engineering services

These services can include the cost of creating plans and specifications for the soccer field, as well as the cost of conducting site assessments and designing drainage, irrigation, and lighting systems. These fees can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, and the qualifications and experience of the professionals involved.

Project management

Project management can include overseeing the construction process, coordinating with different contractors and suppliers, and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget. Project management fees can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, and the qualifications and experience of the project manager.

The professional fees, especially the design and engineering fees, may also include the cost of obtaining permits and approvals from the local government. These permits and approvals are necessary to ensure that the soccer field is built in compliance with local building codes and regulations, which can vary depending on the location of the field.

It is necessary to factor in the cost of professional fees when budgeting for the construction of a soccer field, as they can represent a significant portion of the overall cost of the project.

Permits and approvals

Permits are official documents that give legal authorization to begin construction of a project, They are required to ensure that the construction of the soccer field complies with local building codes and regulations. The cost of permits can vary depending on the location of the field and the type of construction that is being done.

Approval process may also require a review from various department such as from planning commission, health department, environment department, fire department, and also from the local soccer governing body depending on the location and the level of play for the soccer field.

The process of obtaining permits and approvals can be time-consuming, and it can also require the submission of detailed plans and documentation. The project may also require inspections during and after construction, to ensure that it complies with all relevant codes and regulations.

The cost and time needed to obtain permits and approvals can vary depending on the location and the specific regulations that apply to the project.

What are the financing options for building a soccer field?

Private financing

Private financing for building a soccer field can come from individuals or private companies who are willing to provide funding in exchange for a share of the profits or ownership of the field. This type of financing is usually provided by wealthy individuals or venture capitalists who are looking for high-return investments.

One way private financing can be obtained is through equity financing, where the investor provides capital in exchange for ownership in the company. In the case of building a soccer field, this means that the investor would own a portion of the field and would be entitled to a portion of the profits generated by the field. The investor may also have some level of control or influence over the field’s operation and management.

Another way is through debt financing, where the investor loans money to the company and is paid back with interest. This is similar to a bank loan, but the money comes from a private individual or group of individuals, rather than a financial institution. In this case, the company that builds the soccer field would be responsible for repaying the loan, plus interest, to the investor.

Private financing can be useful for projects that are considered too risky or have a higher return potential than a typical bank loan, but it’s necessary to have a solid business plan and the ability to show a return on investment. The investor may also want to have a detailed analysis of the cash flows, revenue and expenses. Additionally, we need to consider that the investor may want to have some level of control over the project, which may not align with the original plans of the project developers.

Bank loans

Banks and other financial institutions may be willing to provide loans for the construction of a soccer field, which can be repaid over time with interest. This can include both conventional loans such as term loans or lines of credit and specialized loans, such as SBA loans.

Term loans

A term loan is a lump sum of money that is borrowed and repaid over a set period of time, usually with fixed or variable interest rate. The lender will look at the creditworthiness of the borrower and the project, and the loan will need to be secured with collateral.

Line of credit

A line of credit is similar to a term loan, but instead of borrowing a lump sum, the borrower can draw on the loan as needed, up to a certain limit. This is a flexible option, and interest is paid only on the amount used.

SBA loans

The Small Business Administration (SBA) provides financial assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs. The SBA offers several loan programs to help small businesses access capital, including the 7(a) loan program, which can be used for projects such as building a soccer field.

When applying for a bank loan, lenders will look at the creditworthiness of the borrower, the project’s feasibility and profitability, as well as the collateral that can be offered to secure the loan. Lenders may also require detailed financial projections and a solid business plan. It’s recommended to shop around and compare loan terms and interest rates from different financial institutions before making a decision.

The terms, interest rate and the required collateral may vary depending on the institution, the location and the size of the project, and the creditworthiness of the borrower. Typically, larger projects and those with a proven track record and a solid business plan will be more likely to qualify for better loan terms.

Additionally, when applying for a bank loan to build a soccer field, we should have detailed financial projections, a solid business plan and a clear understanding of the costs associated with building and operating the field. The lender will want to see that the project is financially viable and that there is a plan for repaying the loan. They will also review the feasibility of the project and the revenues generated by the field as well as the credit history of the applicant.

Construction loans or loans specifically used for construction purpose may have specific requirements, such as detailed construction plans, building permits and cost estimates, progress reports and regular inspection by the lender or its representative during the construction period.

Bank loans can be a valuable financing option for building a soccer field, but we need to understand the terms and requirements of the loan, as well as the long-term financial implications of the loan, before making a decision.

Government grants

Government grants can be a financing option for building a soccer field, particularly for projects that will be used for public or community use. Government grants are funds that are provided by government agencies, usually without the need for repayment.

Government grants for building sports facilities may be provided at the federal, state, or local level. They can be provided by various departments, including Parks and Recreation, Community Development, Economic Development, and others. The terms and conditions of these grants can vary widely depending on the source of the funding, the size of the project and the intended use of the facility.

The process of applying for a government grant can be time-consuming, and often requires the submission of detailed plans and documentation. Additionally, the competition for government grants can be intense, and the application process may require a significant amount of paperwork, including detailed financial projections, a business plan and a community support letters.

It’s highly recommended to research the different government grants that may be available and to understand the terms and conditions of each one before applying. We need to consider the long-term costs of operating and maintaining the soccer field, as well as the potential revenue that can be generated from it, in order to make sure that the financing options selected are sustainable in the long run.


Crowdfunding is a way of raising funds for a project or venture by collecting small contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. This can be a useful financing option for building a soccer field, particularly for small or community-based projects.

There are several platforms available that allow individuals and organizations to create campaigns to raise money for specific projects, such as building a soccer field. These platforms typically have a wide reach, making it easy to connect with potential donors and sponsors.

Points to note:

  • When using crowdfunding to raise funds for a soccer field, we need to have a clear and compelling message that explains why the project is necessary and how the funds will be used. Creating a video or visual presentation can be a powerful way to communicate this message and to generate interest in the project.
  • We need to have a solid plan in place for how the funds will be used and to be transparent about the costs associated with building and operating the soccer field. Donors will want to see that their contributions are being used responsibly and that the project has a clear plan for success.
  • It’s also necessary to set realistic fundraising goals and to keep donors informed about the progress of the project, it will help to build trust and increase the chances of reaching the fundraising goal.

Crowdfunding can be a useful financing option for building a soccer field, but it’s not a guaranteed source of funding and that it requires a significant amount of planning and effort to be successful.


Companies may be willing to sponsor a soccer field by providing funding or in-kind donations in exchange for advertising or other benefits.

Companies may sponsor a soccer field to increase brand visibility, to connect with a specific target audience, or to support the local community. Sponsorship can take many forms, such as:

Financial sponsorship

This is where a company provides funding for the construction of the soccer field, either in the form of a one-time donation or ongoing funding.

In-kind sponsorship

This is where a company provides goods or services to the project, rather than cash. This can include things like materials, equipment, or technical expertise.

Advertising sponsorship

This is where a company receives advertising benefits in exchange for its sponsorship. This can include advertising space on the soccer field, website or the match programs or having the company’s logo on the team’s uniform.

When seeking sponsorship for a soccer field, we need to research companies that may be interested in supporting the project and to create a compelling proposal that highlights the benefits of sponsorship. The proposal should include information on the project, the target audience, and the exposure and benefits the sponsor will receive from the partnership.

It’s also crucial to be transparent with sponsors about the costs associated with building and operating the soccer field, and to have a solid plan in place for how the sponsorship funds will be used. Sponsorship for building a soccer field may require a lot of effort to find the right sponsor, and it is essential to have a solid plan for how to engage the sponsor and maximize the benefits from the partnership.

Lease or rental agreements

Lease or rental agreements can be a financing option for building a soccer field, where the field is built on leased or rented land and the cost is recovered through lease or rental agreements with the user of the field.

With a lease or rental agreement, the landowner or developer rents the land or facility to a tenant or operator, who is responsible for building and maintaining the soccer field. The terms of the lease or rental agreement can vary widely, but typically, the tenant or operator is responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the soccer field and pays rent or lease payments to the landowner or developer.

Lease or rental agreements can be beneficial for both the landowner or developer and the tenant or operator. The landowner or developer can earn income from the rental or lease payments, while the tenant or operator can have the use of the land or facility without having to pay the full cost upfront.

Lease or rental agreements should be structured in a way that is beneficial to both parties and they should be reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that they comply with local laws and regulations. Additionally, the cost and terms of the lease agreement should be considered in the project budget and plan.

Public-private partnerships (PPP)

A public-private partnership (PPP) is a financing model in which a private sector entity partners with a government agency to design, build, finance, and potentially operate a project. This type of partnership can be useful for building a soccer field, particularly when a government agency lacks the funding or expertise to undertake a project on its own, and the private partner can bring in additional investment and expertise.

In a PPP, the private partner, also known as a concessionaire, typically provides the majority of the funding for the project, while the government agency provides support in the form of land, permits, and other resources. In return, the private partner is granted a concession or a long-term lease to operate the project, and is able to generate revenue from the project to cover the costs of construction and operation.

PPPs can take many forms and the specific structure will depend on the project and the objectives of the parties involved.

  • Lowering the overall cost of the project
  • High transaction costs
  • Bringing in private sector expertise and innovation
  • Complex contractual arrangements
  • Transferring the risk associated with the project to the private sector
  • Potential for conflict over decision-making
  • Helping to deliver the project faster and with higher quality

Before entering into a PPP, it’s suggested to conduct a thorough analysis of the costs, benefits and risks involved, and to have a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of all parties.

Community fundraising

Community fundraising can be a valuable financing option for building a soccer field, particularly for small or community-based projects. Community fundraising is the practice of raising funds for a project by engaging and mobilizing the local community.

Community fundraising can take many forms, such as:

Crowdfunding campaigns

Setting up a crowdfunding campaign online to raise funds for the soccer field.
Sponsored events: Running a marathon or other sporting event, and asking participants to raise funds for the soccer field.

Community-wide auctions

Organizing a community-wide auction, where local businesses and individuals donate items that can be auctioned off to raise funds for the soccer field.
Local donations: Asking local businesses or individuals to make a donation towards the soccer field construction.

When conducting community fundraising for a soccer field, we need to have a clear and compelling message that explains why the project is needed and how the funds will be used. Engaging local community leaders and organizations can also be a powerful way to generate support and interest in the project.

Community fundraising may require a significant amount of effort and resources to organize, especially if the target community is large. Additionally, it requires a lot of community engagement and good communication to build trust and generate support for the project.


Building a soccer field can be a complex and costly undertaking, involving several different stages such as site preparation, turf installation, lighting, restrooms and concessions, amenities, and maintenance. The cost of building a soccer field can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the field, the location, the type of turf and lighting used, and the level of amenities and maintenance required.

If you are considering building a soccer field and would like more detailed information and guidance on the costs, construction process, and maintenance, please feel free to reach out to us for our free soccer field building consultation service. We have a team of experienced professionals that can provide you with valuable insights and advice, and can help you create a soccer field that meets your specific needs and budget.

Our consultation service will take into account factors such as location, weather conditions, the type of soil and ground, and other factors that may affect the cost of the construction, as well as the best suited turf, lighting, restrooms and concessions, seating, scoreboards and amenities for your specific needs.

We understand that building a soccer field is a significant investment and that there are many critical decisions to be made. We want to help ensure that your soccer field project is a success and will provide you with all the information and guidance you need to make the best decisions for your specific needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your free consultation service.

Contact us for a free consultation