soccer field construction grants

How to Get Grants for Soccer Field Construction?

Building a soccer field is a significant investment that can cost millions of dollars. This amount can pose a significant financial burden on the facility owner or a high school, which may have limited resources to allocate to such a project. Yet, there are various practical ways to obtain funding and grants to build a soccer field. These options can help alleviate the financial burden and make it possible to complete the project successfully.

Sources of grants for soccer field construction

One way to secure funding for soccer field construction is by applying for grants. There are several types of grants available from different sources, such as government agencies, private foundations, corporations, and non-profit organizations. These grants are typically available for specific purposes, such as improving recreational facilities, promoting physical activity, or advancing sports programs.

Government grants

applying government grants for soccer fieldGovernment grants are a substantial source of funding for soccer field construction projects, as federal, state, and local government agencies may provide grants to support community development, youth sports programs, and parks and recreation initiatives. These grants are essential in improving the quality of life in communities by providing access to essential recreational facilities.

For instance, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides grants to eligible cities and counties to support a range of community development projects, including sports and recreation facilities. This grant program supports projects that benefit low- to moderate-income households, prevent or eliminate slums or blight, or address urgent community development needs.

Moreover, the federal government has established several grant programs that support youth sports programs and facilities. For instance, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) provides funding to state and local governments for the acquisition, development, and renovation of outdoor recreation facilities, including soccer fields. The Department of Education’s Carol M. White Physical Education Program provides grants to schools and community-based organizations to enhance physical education programs and provide opportunities for students to participate in physical activities.

State and local governments also offer grant programs that can support soccer field construction projects. For example, the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program provides funding to local governments, school districts, and non-profit organizations to construct or renovate soccer fields and facilities. Similarly, the Colorado Lottery provides funding for the acquisition, development, and maintenance of outdoor recreation facilities, including soccer fields.

Private foundation grants

Apart from government grants, private foundations are another excellent source of funding for soccer field construction projects. Private foundations are organizations that provide funding for charitable purposes, including community development, health, education, and sports programs. These foundations have a specific mission or focus area, which guides their funding decisions.

Private foundations that support soccer field construction projects typically focus on promoting physical activity, improving public health, or advancing youth sports programs. For example, the Nike Community Impact Fund provides grants to support community development initiatives, including the construction of soccer fields and facilities. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation focuses on improving public health and provides grants to organizations that promote physical activity, such as soccer programs.

Moreover, the National Recreation Foundation supports youth sports programs and provides funding for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of recreational facilities, including soccer fields. The foundation seeks to provide equal access to quality recreational opportunities for all, particularly in underserved communities.

Private foundations often have specific requirements and guidelines for grant applications, including eligibility criteria, funding priorities, and reporting requirements. Therefore, applicants should carefully review and understand these guidelines to increase their chances of securing funding.

Corporate grants

Corporate grants can also serve as a significant source of funding for soccer field construction projects. Many companies have established corporate social responsibility programs that support community development initiatives, including sports and recreation facilities. These corporate grants provide an opportunity for businesses to give back to the community and invest in the well-being of the local population.

Companies that offer corporate grants for soccer field construction projects often have a focus on youth sports programs and physical activity. For instance, the DICK’S Sporting Goods Foundation is committed to promoting sports and physical activity among youth and provides grants to support the construction and renovation of sports facilities, including soccer fields. Similarly, the Target Youth Soccer Grants program supports the development of youth soccer programs and provides funding for soccer field construction projects.

Corporate grants may also be available from companies outside the sports industry that are interested in promoting health and wellness or supporting community development. For example, the Home Depot Foundation provides funding for community improvement projects, including parks and recreation facilities.

They may have specific eligibility criteria and requirements, and the application process may differ from other types of grants. Therefore, it is crucial to research and understand the guidelines and requirements before applying.

Non-profit grants

Non-profit organizations are another crucial source of funding for soccer field construction projects. Many non-profit organizations are dedicated to promoting physical activity, improving health outcomes, or advancing sports programs, making them an excellent source of funding for soccer field construction.

Non-profit organizations that provide grants for soccer field construction projects include the U.S. Soccer Foundation and the National Park Foundation. The U.S. Soccer Foundation is committed to increasing access to soccer for young people and provides grants to support the construction, renovation, and maintenance of soccer fields and facilities. Similarly, the National Park Foundation supports parks and recreation initiatives, including soccer fields, to promote outdoor activity and healthy lifestyles.

Other non-profit organizations that provide funding for soccer field construction projects include local community foundations and youth sports organizations. These organizations are often focused on supporting youth sports programs and promoting healthy living through physical activity. For example, the Boys and Girls Club of America provides grants to support youth sports programs, including soccer, while the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation supports the construction and renovation of sports facilities in underserved communities.

Like other types of grants, non-profit grants may have specific eligibility criteria and requirements, and the application process may differ from organization to organization. Therefore, it is essential to research and understand the guidelines and requirements before applying.

foundations that offer grants for building soccer pitch

What are some foundations that offer grants for building soccer fields?

U.S. Soccer Foundation

The U.S. Soccer Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to provide access to soccer for children in underserved communities. They offer grants for soccer field construction and other programs that promote soccer as a vehicle for positive social change. The Foundation’s website has information on how to apply for grants, eligibility criteria, and examples of past grant recipients.

The link to their grants page is

FIFA Forward Programme

The FIFA Forward Programme is a global initiative aimed at developing football (soccer) and its infrastructure around the world. The program offers grants and other forms of support to member associations and confederations to invest in soccer at all levels, from grassroots to professional. The grants are designed to support various projects related to soccer, including building and renovating soccer fields and other infrastructure, developing women’s soccer, and supporting education and social development programs through soccer.

You can find more information about the FIFA Forward Programme grants and application process on the FIFA website at the following link:

National Park Foundation

The National Park Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to support and protect America’s national parks. While the foundation primarily focuses on conservation and preservation efforts, it also provides grants to support various projects within national parks, including the construction of recreational facilities such as soccer fields.

The National Park Foundation offers a number of grant opportunities for organizations interested in supporting national parks, including the “Open OutDoors for Kids” program, which provides funding for outdoor recreational activities for young people, and the “America’s Best Idea” program, which supports projects that promote park accessibility, youth education, and conservation efforts.

To learn more about the National Park Foundation’s grant opportunities and application process, visit their website at

The California Endowment

The California Endowment is a private, statewide health foundation that seeks to improve the health of Californians. While the foundation does not specifically provide grants for soccer field construction, it does offer funding opportunities for organizations and projects that promote healthy, safe, and equitable communities. This may include initiatives that involve community development, physical activity, and access to safe and affordable recreational spaces.

Organizations interested in applying for funding from The California Endowment can visit their website at for more information on their funding priorities and application process.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is a philanthropic organization that focuses on promoting health equity and addressing social determinants of health. While the foundation does not have a specific focus on soccer field construction grants, they may offer grants for projects that promote physical activity and healthy communities, which could include projects related to soccer fields.

The foundation’s grantmaking process is competitive and focused on specific program areas, including building healthy communities, healthy children and families, and a culture of health. Grant applications are by invitation only, but interested organizations can submit a letter of inquiry to be considered for funding.

More information about the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s grantmaking process, including application guidelines and eligibility requirements, can be found on their website.

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund is a grant program that provides funding to nonprofit organizations to help improve the participation and overall experience of youth baseball and softball. While their primary focus is on baseball and softball, they also provide grants for the construction or renovation of youth athletic facilities, which could include soccer fields.

To apply for a grant from the Baseball Tomorrow Fund, interested organizations can visit their website at The website includes information on eligibility requirements, application guidelines, and deadlines.

Requirements for soccer field grant applications

requirement of applying soccer stadium fund


When applying for grants for soccer field construction, it is crucial to understand the eligibility criteria for each grant program. Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the grant program and can include factors such as geographic location, organization type, or focus area.

For example, some grants may only be available to organizations located in specific regions, such as a city, state, or county. Others may be open to organizations nationwide. Besides, some grants may only be available to certain types of organizations, such as schools, community centers, or non-profit organizations.

In terms of focus area, some grants may prioritize projects that align with specific goals, such as improving health outcomes, promoting physical activity, or advancing youth sports programs. Therefore, organizations should carefully review the grant guidelines and eligibility criteria to ensure that their soccer field construction project aligns with the grant program’s focus and mission.

In general, organizations that are eligible to apply for soccer field construction grants include schools, parks and recreation departments, non-profit organizations, and community centers. Some grant programs may also be open to private businesses, such as sports equipment manufacturers or sports organizations.

Project scope

To have a successful grant application for soccer field construction projects, applicants should have a detailed and comprehensive project plan. The project plan should clearly outline the scope and goals of the project. It should include details about the size and layout of the soccer field, the materials and equipment required, and any facilities or amenities needed to support the soccer field.

The project plan should also include details on the proposed location of the soccer field. This should include information about any necessary land acquisitions or leases, as well as any zoning or land use requirements that may need to be addressed.

Furthermore, the project plan should address any potential environmental or community impacts that may arise from the construction and operation of the soccer field. This may include plans for managing stormwater runoff, mitigating noise and lighting impacts, and addressing any concerns from neighboring residents or businesses.

The project plan should also include a clear timeline for the construction of the soccer field, as well as any necessary permits and approvals that may be required. This timeline should take into account any potential delays or challenges that may arise during the construction process.


To increase the chances of securing grant funding for soccer field construction projects, applicants should create a detailed budget that outlines all costs associated with the project. A comprehensive budget demonstrates that the project has been thoroughly planned and that the grant funds will be used efficiently and effectively.

The budget should include all costs associated with the soccer field construction project, such as materials, equipment, labor, permits, insurance, and any additional expenses. It should also include a detailed breakdown of the funding requested from the grant program and any other funding sources that will be used to support the project.

In creating the budget, applicants should also consider any potential cost savings that can be realized through the project, such as energy-efficient lighting or water-saving irrigation systems. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and cost-effectiveness can strengthen the grant application and make it more competitive.

What is more, we need to ensure that the budget aligns with the project plan and scope. The budget should be realistic, with clear justifications for all expenses, and any potential cost overruns or contingencies should be accounted for.


Providing a clear and comprehensive timeline is essential to the success of any soccer field construction project, and it is especially essential when applying for grants. The timeline should include start and end dates, major milestones, and project phases, demonstrating that the project is both feasible and achievable within the grant period.

The timeline should be realistic and achievable, taking into account potential challenges, such as weather delays, permit approvals, or supply chain disruptions. It should also be aligned with the project plan and budget, ensuring that all aspects of the project are completed within the specified timeframe.

Aside from outlining the construction timeline, applicants should also consider the post-construction phase, including maintenance and upkeep of the soccer field. A detailed maintenance plan should be included in the timeline, showing how the field will be maintained and repaired after construction is completed.

A clear and well-constructed timeline is an essential component of any grant application for soccer field construction projects. It shows that the project has been carefully planned and that the applicant has a solid understanding of the project’s requirements and timelines. It also helps demonstrate the project’s feasibility and the applicant’s commitment to seeing the project through to completion, increasing the likelihood of securing grant funding.

Sustainability plan

When applying for grants for soccer field construction, many grant programs require applicants to demonstrate a sustainability plan for the project. A sustainability plan outlines how the soccer field will be maintained and used after construction, ensuring its long-term success.

A sustainability plan typically includes details such as maintenance plans, community partnerships, and programming. The maintenance plan outlines how the soccer field will be kept in good condition over time, including tasks such as mowing, irrigation, and repairing any damages.

Community partnerships are also an essential part of a sustainability plan. It is necessary to involve the community in the project, including local schools, youth organizations, and sports leagues. By involving the community, the soccer field is more likely to be used and maintained over time.

Programming can include organizing leagues, tournaments, and other events to keep the soccer field active and engaged. This not only promotes physical activity and community involvement but also helps to generate revenue to support ongoing maintenance and improvements to the soccer field.

A sustainability plan demonstrates to grant providers that the applicant is committed to the long-term success of the soccer field construction project. By showing that there is a plan in place for ongoing maintenance, community involvement, and programming, the grant provider can be more confident that their investment will have a lasting impact on the community.

Tips for grant writing

writing the grants for soccer field construction project

If you’re planning to apply for a grant to build a soccer field, here are some tips for writing a successful grant proposal:


Researching the grant-making organization and the grant program is a critical step in grant writing for building a soccer field. It helps you understand the specific requirements of the grant, such as the application process, eligibility criteria, and funding priorities.

One way to research the grant-making organization is by reviewing their website and any available materials, such as annual reports or program guidelines. It is essential to gain a clear understanding of the organization’s mission, values, and funding priorities to tailor your proposal accordingly.

We can search for information on successful grant proposals or connect with others who have applied for the same grant to gain insight into the review process and what has worked in the past.

Customize your proposal

When it comes to writing a grant proposal for a soccer field construction project, it is crucial to customize your proposal to the specific grant program and funder. One way to do this is to use the information you gathered during your research to highlight the aspects of your project that align with the grant program’s focus areas. This can help demonstrate to the funder that your project meets their funding priorities and has the potential to make a meaningful impact.

It can be helpful to review any specific guidelines or requirements outlined in the grant program’s application instructions. This can ensure that your proposal addresses all of the necessary components and meets the funder’s expectations. For example, some grant programs may require specific information about your organization’s history, mission, or financial status.

It is also crucial to use clear and concise language when writing your grant proposal. Avoid using jargon or overly technical terms that may be difficult for the funder to understand. Instead, focus on clearly articulating the goals of your project, the need for funding, and the potential impact of the project.

Then, providing evidence to support your proposal can strengthen your application. This can include data, statistics, or research studies that demonstrate the need for a new soccer field or the potential benefits of the project. Including testimonials from community members or partners can also help illustrate the value of the project and its potential impact.

Follow instructions

When it comes to grant writing for soccer field construction, it is crucial to carefully read the grant guidelines and instructions before starting your proposal. This will ensure that you understand the specific requirements and expectations of the grant program. It is essential to follow the instructions carefully and make sure to comply with all formatting requirements, word limits, and submission deadlines. If you fail to follow the guidelines or miss the deadline, your application may be rejected immediately, regardless of the quality of your proposal.

Some grant programs may require extra documents, such as letters of support, financial statements, or project budgets. Make sure to gather and include all the necessary documents in your application, as failure to provide them may disqualify your proposal from consideration.

Furthermore, it is recommended to submit your application well in advance of the deadline. This will allow time for any unexpected issues that may arise, such as technical difficulties or missing documents. Submitting your application early also demonstrates your organization’s commitment and dedication to the project, which can positively impact your chances of receiving the grant.

Use clear and concise language

To increase your chances of success, we may use clear and concise language in your grant proposal for building a soccer field. The proposal should be easy to read and free of jargon and technical terms that may confuse the grant reviewers. Use headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to navigate. Besides, grant reviewers may be reading hundreds of applications, so your proposal should be engaging and attention-grabbing.

When writing your proposal, it’s essential to provide evidence to support your claims. Use data, statistics, and real-world examples to illustrate the need for the soccer field and the impact it will have on the community. This will help convince the grant reviewers that your project is worth funding.

Make sure to proofread your proposal for any errors or typos. Have a colleague or friend review it as well to catch any mistakes you may have missed. A well-written and error-free proposal can make a positive impression on the grant reviewers and increase your chances of receiving funding for your soccer field construction project.

Provide evidence

To increase the chances of securing a grant for building a soccer field, we need to provide evidence to support your proposal. This evidence can take the form of data, research, and testimonials. One effective strategy is to include statistics that illustrate the need for soccer fields in your community, such as the number of youth who are interested in soccer but lack access to a field. This can help demonstrate to the grant reviewers that your project will address a genuine need.

Testimonials from community members can also be powerful evidence in grant proposals. These can include statements from parents, coaches, and young people who will benefit from the new soccer field. Besides, letters of support from partners and stakeholders, such as local government officials, can help demonstrate that the project has broad support and is likely to succeed.

Any evidence you use in your proposal is relevant and credible. Be sure to cite your sources and provide context for any statistics or data you use. Next, be sure to connect the evidence back to your project and demonstrate how it will help address the need you have identified.

Examples of successful grants for soccer field construction

Grant awarded by the U.S. Soccer Foundation

The U.S. Soccer Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to increase access to soccer for children in underserved communities, awarded a $70,000 grant in 2020 to the Los Angeles Football Club Foundation to fund the construction of a mini-pitch soccer field in South Los Angeles. This grant served as a crucial source of funding for the project, which transformed an unused parking lot into a vibrant soccer field that provides children with a safe and welcoming space to play and develop their skills.

The mini-pitch construction project in South Los Angeles is an excellent example of how soccer field grants can be used to address the lack of recreational facilities in underserved communities. With the help of the U.S. Soccer Foundation grant, the Los Angeles Football Club Foundation was able to create a much-needed space for children to participate in physical activity, build relationships, and develop vital life skills through soccer. This project also highlights the potential for creative solutions to address challenges related to land availability and accessibility in urban areas.

Grant awarded by the FIFA Forward Programme

The FIFA Forward Programme is an initiative by FIFA that aims to provide financial support to football associations around the world for the development of the sport. In 2018, the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) was awarded a grant of $500,000 to support the construction of a new national training center in Couva, Trinidad. The training center includes several soccer fields, as well as other facilities such as locker rooms, offices, and medical rooms.

The new national training center has significantly improved the infrastructure for football development in Trinidad and Tobago, providing a state-of-the-art facility for the national teams to train and host international matches. The center also provides a venue for local football leagues and youth programs, promoting the growth and development of the sport at the grassroots level.

The grant awarded by the FIFA Forward Programme is an example of how international organizations can support the development of soccer infrastructure in countries around the world. By providing funding and resources, the FIFA Forward Programme is helping to promote the growth of the sport and improve the quality of soccer facilities for players and fans alike.

Grant awarded by the Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior awarded a grant of $150,000 to the City of Nogales, Arizona, in 2019 to support the construction of a new soccer field at the Nogales Recreation Center. The grant was provided through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which supports the development of outdoor recreational facilities across the United States.

The new soccer field is an upgrade from the outdated and unsafe field it replaced, providing a safe and accessible space for local children and families to play soccer. The Nogales Recreation Center is a community gathering place, and the new soccer field has become a hub of activity, promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among children and families in the area.

The project was completed within the designated timeline and budget, meeting all grant requirements. The grant has helped to revitalize the recreation center, providing a safe and accessible place for local children and families to enjoy outdoor activities and fostering a sense of community in Nogales, Arizona.


Grants for soccer field construction are available from various organizations, including the U.S. Soccer Foundation, FIFA Forward Programme, Department of the Interior, and several foundations. These grants provide funding to construct new soccer fields, renovate existing ones, and provide equipment and resources to support youth soccer programs. With these grants, communities can provide safe and accessible spaces for children and families to engage in the joy of soccer and promote healthy lifestyles.

While applying for grants to fund the construction of soccer fields can be highly competitive, having a basic understanding of the application process can be helpful. However, if you require further guidance and advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a team of experienced experts who specialize in applying for grants and can provide you with free consultation to help you navigate the application process successfully. To take advantage of this opportunity, simply reach out to us and drop us a line, and we will be happy to assist you.

Contact us for a free consultation