how to light a rugby pitch

How to Light a Rugby Field? The Lighting Standards and Cost

To light a rugby field, you will need to install floodlights around the perimeter of the field. The floodlights should be mounted on poles or towers and directed towards the playing area. You will also need to install a control panel or switchboard to turn the lights on and off as needed. The specific steps for installing the floodlights will depend on the specific design of the field and the floodlights themselves, so we may consult with an electrician or lighting specialist for more detailed instructions.

What are the rugby field lighting standards?

lighting standards of rugby field and stadium

There are several different organizations that have established standards for lighting on rugby fields. Here are a few examples:

  • World Rugby (formerly known as the International Rugby Board or IRB) recommends that rugby fields have an average illumination level of at least 300 lux, with at least 200 lux on the playing surface itself. The recommended illumination levels may vary depending on the specific type of rugby being played (e.g. 15-a-side, 7-a-side, etc.).
  • The International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) recommends a minimum illumination level of 500 lux for international-level rugby matches.
  • In the United Kingdom, the Rugby Football Union (RFU) recommends an average illumination level of 350 lux for all levels of rugby, with a minimum of 250 lux on the playing surface.

It’s worth noting that these are just a few examples, and different countries and organizations may have their own lighting standards for rugby fields. It’s always a good idea to check with the relevant authorities or governing bodies to ensure that you are meeting the appropriate standards for your specific situation.

How many lights do we need to light a rugby field?

how many rugby field lights needed

It’s difficult to accurately answer this question without more information about the size of the rugby field, the desired illumination level, and the placement of the lights. As a rough estimate, you may need 16 to 24 pcs 1000W floodlights to adequately light a standard rugby field, depending on the specific factors mentioned above.

However, this is just a rough estimate and the actual number of floodlights needed may vary. It’s always a good idea to consult with a lighting specialist or electrician to determine the specific number of floodlights needed for your field. Here are a few factors that can affect the number of floodlights needed to light a rugby field:

Field size

The size of a rugby field can vary depending on the specific type of rugby being played. In general, a standard rugby field is about 110 meters (120 yards) long and 70 meters (76 yards) wide. However, there are also smaller versions of the game, such as 7-a-side rugby, which can be played on a field that is much smaller in size. We need to keep in mind that the size of the field can affect the number of floodlights needed to adequately light the playing area. A larger field will generally require more floodlights to achieve the same illumination level as a smaller field.

Illumination level

As mentioned earlier, different organizations have different recommendations for the minimum illumination level for rugby fields. A higher illumination level will require more floodlights to achieve.

Light placement

The placement of floodlights on a rugby field can affect the number of floodlights needed to adequately light the playing area. In general, floodlights should be mounted on poles or towers around the perimeter of the field and directed towards the playing area. The specific placement of the floodlights will depend on the size and layout of the field, as well as the desired illumination level.

There are a few general principles to consider when placing floodlights on a rugby field:

  • Floodlights should be placed as uniformly as possible around the perimeter of the field to ensure even lighting across the playing area.
  • The height of the floodlights should be considered to ensure that the light is directed onto the playing surface and not into the eyes of the players or spectators.
  • The floodlights should be placed at a sufficient distance from the field to avoid casting shadows on the playing surface.

Again, it’s always a good idea to consult with a lighting specialist or electrician to determine the best placement of floodlights for your specific field.

How many light poles do we need to light a rugby pitch?

The number of light poles needed to adequately light a rugby field will depend on the size of the field, the desired illumination level, and the placement of the floodlights. In general, you will need at least 4 light poles to light a standard rugby field, with additional poles placed around the perimeter of the field as needed to achieve the desired illumination level.

To determine the specific number of light poles needed, you will need to consider factors such as the size and layout of the field, the type of floodlights being used, and the desired illumination level. It’s always a good idea to consult with a lighting specialist or electrician to determine the specific number of light poles needed for your field.

How high are the light poles on the rugby field?

In general, the height of the light poles should be sufficient to allow the floodlights to properly illuminate the playing surface while avoiding shadows and avoiding shining the light into the eyes of the players or spectators.

As a rough estimate, the light poles on a rugby field may be anywhere from 20 to 40 meters (65 to 130 feet) in height, depending on the specific factors mentioned above.

How much does it cost to buy rugby field lights?

The cost of buying lights for a rugby field can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the field, the desired illumination level, the type and quality of the floodlights, and any additional features or equipment (such as control panels or switchboards).

As a rough estimate, you may need to budget anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 or more to buy and install the lights for a standard rugby field.


Lighting a rugby field involves installing floodlights around the perimeter of the field and using a control panel or switchboard to turn the lights on and off as needed. The specific number of floodlights needed will depend on factors such as the size of the field, the desired illumination level, and the placement of the lights.

If you are looking to install lighting on a rugby field and need assistance with the design, we would be happy to help. Our team of lighting specialists is here to provide you with a free, no-obligation design for your rugby field lighting. We can work with you to determine the specific number of floodlights needed, the best placement of the lights, and the necessary control equipment to ensure that your field is properly illuminated. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to take advantage of this free service. We look forward to helping you create a well-lit, safe, and enjoyable rugby field for players and spectators alike.

Contact us for a free lighting consultation