stadium lighting upgrade for panther community stadium

Upgraded Lighting Planned for Northern Bedford Panther Community Stadium

The Northern Bedford County School District school board has approved the purchase of a lighting retrofit and show light feature for Northern Bedford Panther Community Stadium, bringing the facility to the forefront of modern sports venues. The retrofit, which will cost $290,000, is set to be completed this summer and will drastically improve the overall lighting of the stadium, allowing for the display of vibrant, multi-color light shows. Additionally, the board approved the purchase of the show light feature for $30,000, which will enable the district to easily activate the light shows with the click of a button. This new feature will bring a whole new level of excitement to the game-day experience for both the players and the fans.

At the December meeting, the school board discussed the potential cost of replacing the aging lights at the Panther Community Stadium. The current lights are nearing the end of their warranty, and it was brought to attention that the district may be responsible for any costs related to replacement. This is despite the fact that the board had approved the purchase of new lights with a 25-year warranty to upgrade the stadium’s lighting system.

Superintendent Todd Beatty informed the board that due to the aging of the current lights, the purchase of new LED lights may be necessary. These lights provide a more direct line of sight and would be placed to improve visibility within and around the stadium. Each light would cost $5,000.

Beatty, the board member, wanted the board to be aware of the potential additional costs for replacement lights, as this could impact the budget for other school programs or initiatives. He also emphasized that the new LED lights will not only enhance the game-day experience for the fans and players but also increase the safety and security of the stadium.

During the December meeting, the school board discussed the proposal to add the cost of two lights to the motion, but ultimately approved the proposed amount after considering the potential benefits of the new lights. Board member Ralph Scott expressed concern about spending money that may not be necessary, but ultimately supported the proposal after understanding the need for the improved lighting system. The new lights will not only enhance the game-day experience for the fans and players but also increase the safety and security of the stadium.

The board also considered a proposal for a new camera and streaming system for Panther Community Stadium, but it was ultimately denied as no board member supported the motion. The cost for two cameras was estimated at $12,000, not including installation costs. Board member Umpty explained that as no other school in the county uses the streaming service, Northern Bedford supporters would have to purchase two streaming subscriptions if they wanted to watch home and away events. The board however, acknowledged the importance of streaming services for the school community and parents and decided to revisit the idea in the future.

Additionally, the board discussed the athletic trainer position. The school district is currently in need of an athletic trainer and is searching for a person to fill the position. Superintendent Todd Beatty stated that the district would discuss a personal contract or a contract through a third party once an interested person is found. Currently, the district is using substitute trainers on an as-available basis. The board approved the administration to pay substitute athletic trainers for home events at its December meeting. Beatty also said that if the district is unable to provide a trainer for an event, the opposing school will be notified. The board also emphasized on the importance of having a dedicated athletic trainer to take care of the student-athletes’ health and safety.

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