indoor running track and field construction cost

What is the Cost of Constructing an Indoor Track and Field Facility?

An indoor track and field facility is a specialized sports facility that is designed for indoor training and competition in track and field events such as running, jumping, and throwing. It typically consists of a running track, long jump pit, high jump area, and throwing circle, as well as various equipment and amenities such as bleachers, locker rooms, and equipment storage.

Constructing an indoor track and field facility can be a significant investment, with several factors influencing the overall cost of the project. These factors include the location of the facility, the size and layout of the facility, the materials and equipment used, architectural and engineering fees, labor costs, and other expenses such as permits and insurance.

Despite the costs involved, the benefits of indoor track and field facilities are clear, and they can be a worthwhile investment for schools, universities, community organizations, and sports teams. By exploring the cost considerations and funding options available, communities can work towards creating accessible and high-quality indoor track and field facilities that promote health, wellness, and athletic achievement.

expenses involved in building track facility

Average cost of constructing an indoor track and field facility

The cost of building an indoor track can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, such as location, facility size, materials used, and equipment required. Here is a rough estimate based on some assumptions.

  • Location: United States
  • Facility Size: 60m x 30m (196ft x 98ft)
  • Surface Type: Synthetic track surface
  • Track Lane Count: 6 lanes
  • Equipment: Starting blocks, hurdles, high jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put, discus, javelin
  • Lighting: LED lighting system
  • Temperature control: HVAC system
  • Accessibility and safety measures: ADA-compliant entrances, fire alarms and sprinklers, emergency exits, first aid stations
  • Permit and fees: Building permit, zoning permit, inspection fees, etc.

Cost breakdown

Components of indoor track and facilityCost
Construction and labor$500,000 – $1,000,000
Synthetic track surface$250,000 – $500,000
Equipment$50,000 – $100,000
Lighting system$25,000 – $50,000
HVAC system$50,000 – $100,000
Accessibility and safety measures$25,000 – $50,000
Permit and fees$10,000 – $20,000
Total cost$910,000 – $1,820,000

6 tips to save money when constructing an indoor track and field facility

The cost of constructing an indoor track is quite high, and it may not be affordable for all facility managers. To address this issue, we have compiled a list of ways to reduce the overall cost of building an indoor track.

Choose a simpler design

Design complexity is a major factor that affects the cost of constructing an indoor track and field facility. Complex layouts with unique features such as curved walls, vaulted ceilings, or intricate designs will increase the overall cost of construction. One effective way to save money is by keeping the design simple and straightforward. A straightforward layout with minimal added features can help save on labor and material costs. By focusing on functionality rather than design aesthetics, facility managers can keep construction costs to a minimum while still providing a safe and effective training environment for athletes.

Consider a smaller facility

Reducing the size of the indoor track and field facility can significantly impact the cost of construction. Smaller facilities require less material, labor, and equipment, which can reduce overall costs. A smaller indoor track and field facility can still provide the necessary amenities and features while accommodating a smaller number of athletes. We may carefully consider the size and capacity needed to meet the facility’s goals and requirements. Reducing the size of the facility can also result in savings in terms of ongoing maintenance and operating costs, such as heating and cooling expenses.

Use cost-effective materials

One way to save money during the construction of an indoor track and field facility is to opt for more cost-effective materials that still meet safety and performance standards. Instead of selecting high-end, premium materials, consider alternative options that can provide similar functionality at a lower cost. For example, choosing a multi-purpose rubber or polyurethane surface over a more expensive tartan track can save a significant amount of money. We need to ensure that any alternative materials meet safety standards and do not compromise the performance of the facility. Working with a knowledgeable contractor or designer can help identify suitable cost-effective options that meet the facility’s needs.

Choose a location wisely

The location of the indoor track and field facility can significantly affect the construction costs. If the facility is located in an area with easy access to utilities and transportation, the construction costs can be significantly reduced. Choosing a location close to existing infrastructure, such as roads and electrical lines, can help reduce the cost of installation. Besides, a location with ample space for construction equipment and material storage can reduce transportation costs. On the other hand, building in a remote area or an area with limited access to utilities may result in extra costs, such as transportation and utility installation fees. Therefore, careful consideration of the location can help save money during the construction process.

Get multiple bids

This process allows facility managers to compare prices and services offered by various contractors, helping them to make an informed decision. Moreover, it can give facility managers a bargaining tool to negotiate lower prices with the chosen contractor. However, we shouldn’t solely base the decision on price. It’s crucial to also consider the contractor’s experience, qualifications, and references to ensure they have a track record of delivering high-quality work. By doing so, facility managers can save money while still ensuring the construction of a high-quality indoor track and field facility.

Seek out funding and grants

Seeking out grants and other funding sources can be a good way to reduce the financial burden. Besides, choosing a smaller facility, simplifying the design, and using cost-effective materials can help lower construction costs. We may obtain multiple bids from different contractors to ensure you’re getting a fair price and to negotiate lower costs. Finally, location can impact construction costs, so choosing a site with easy access to utilities and transportation can help keep costs down. By exploring all of these options, facility managers can save money when constructing an indoor track and field facility without sacrificing safety or performance.

What is the cost of removing and disposing of an old running track?

The cost of removing and disposing of an old running track can vary based on various factors, including the size and condition of the track, location, and disposal method. Generally, the cost can range from $5,000 to $50,000. It is essential to consult with a professional track removal and disposal company to obtain an accurate estimate.

The cost of removing an old running track is affected by factors such as the size of the track, the type of surface, the depth of the track, and the accessibility of the location. The removal process can involve heavy equipment, such as excavators and bulldozers, and may require specialized skills and experience. Moreover, the disposal method may also impact the cost, as some disposal options may incur additional fees.

When seeking an estimate, a professional track removal and disposal company will assess the track’s condition and determine the equipment necessary for removal, the disposal method, and any extra fees, such as permits and transportation. The cost may also include any required site restoration and preparation for the installation of a new track.

How much does it cost to resurface the running track?

Resurfacing a running track can be a complex process that involves several factors that can affect the overall cost. These factors include the size of the track, the materials used, the location, and the labor costs.

Generally speaking, the cost of resurfacing a standard 400-meter running track can range from $50,000 to $150,000. This range can be affected by various factors such as the condition of the existing track, the extent of the repairs needed, and the choice of materials used for the resurfacing process.

It is essential to note that the cost of resurfacing a running track is not a one-size-fits-all estimate, and it can vary greatly depending on the specific needs and requirements of the project. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult a professional contractor who specializes in track resurfacing to get a more accurate estimate based on your unique circumstances.

A professional contractor will assess the condition of the existing track and provide recommendations on the best resurfacing options available for your track. They will also take into account other factors such as location, accessibility, and time constraints that may impact the overall cost of the project.

How much does it cost to maintain the indoor track and field facilities?

Maintaining a running track involves several steps, such as regular cleaning, repairs, resurfacing, line painting, and ensuring proper drainage and irrigation. The cost of maintenance can vary based on factors like the type of track, its size, and the frequency of maintenance.

  • Regular cleaning involves sweeping and blowing the surface to prevent debris from accumulating and causing damage. This can cost around $100 to $200 per session.
  • Repairs may be needed to fix cracks, holes, or other damage, which can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the extent of the damage.
  • Resurfacing is required every 5-8 years, or more frequently depending on usage, and can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Line painting, which involves repainting the track lines, numbers, and other markings, can cost around $500 to $1,000 per session.
  • Proper drainage and irrigation systems are essential to prevent water buildup and damage to the track surface. Ensuring that the track is properly sloped and has adequate drainage systems can cost several thousand dollars.

Data and statistics on the cost of constructing indoor facilities across different regions

According to a study by the Sports Facilities Advisory (SFA), the cost of constructing an indoor track and field facility can vary widely depending on the region and the specific features of the facility. In general, the cost can range from $2 million to $10 million or more. The SFA reports that the average cost for a mid-sized indoor track and field facility is around $5 million.

The location of the facility also plays a role in the cost of construction. For example, facilities in urban areas or high-cost regions such as the Northeast or West Coast tend to be more expensive. On the other hand, facilities in rural or low-cost regions may have lower construction costs.

Also, the size and complexity of the facility can impact costs. A facility with a larger footprint and more amenities will generally cost more to construct than a smaller, more basic facility. The type of flooring and surface used can also affect the cost, with synthetic tracks typically being more expensive than other options.

Comparison of costs for different types of facilities

Some general estimates can be made based on typical features and amenities of different facilities.

A basic indoor track and field facility with a simple design, basic amenities, and a multi-purpose surface can cost between $1-3 million, depending on location and size. A facility with a more complex design, high-quality materials, specialized equipment, and a tartan track surface can cost between $3-10 million or more.

Facilities with additional amenities, such as spectator seating, locker rooms, meeting rooms, and training areas, can add to the cost. Larger facilities with multiple event areas, such as a full-size soccer field, basketball court, or swimming pool, can cost upwards of $20 million or more.

different types of indoor track material

Factors that affect the cost of constructing an indoor track and field facility

Size and layout

Larger facilities with more equipment and amenities, such as training rooms, locker rooms, and spectator seating areas, will require more materials and labor, resulting in higher costs.

What is more, the layout of the facility can also impact construction costs. More complex designs, such as those with intricate shapes or multiple levels, will require more labor and specialized materials, which can also drive up costs. For example, a facility with a multi-level running track and multiple jumping pits will require more intricate designs, and will thus increase the overall construction cost.

When designing an indoor track and field facility, it’s essential to strike a balance between the desired amenities and the available budget. Careful consideration should be given to the number of features and equipment required for the facility to meet the needs of athletes and the community. Working closely with architects and engineers can help ensure that the design is both functional and cost-effective.

Materials and equipment

Higher quality materials and specialized equipment, such as synthetic running tracks, pole vaulting pits, and high-tech timing systems, are often more expensive than more basic options.

For instance, synthetic running tracks are a popular choice for indoor facilities due to their durability and shock-absorbing properties. However, they can be quite expensive compared to traditional track surfaces. Similarly, pole vaulting pits and high-tech timing systems can also add to the cost of construction due to their complexity and specialized nature.

We can consider the intended use of the facility when deciding on materials and equipment. For example, if the facility is intended for use by high-level athletes or for hosting competitions, investing in higher quality materials and equipment may be necessary to meet performance standards and ensure athlete safety. However, if the facility is primarily intended for recreational use, more basic options may be more cost-effective.

Architectural and engineering fees

Designing and building a larger and more intricate indoor track and field facility can be a complex task that requires the specialized knowledge and expertise of professionals such as architects, engineers, and contractors. The more intricate the design and the larger the facility, the more time and effort will be needed from these professionals, resulting in higher fees.

For example, architects may need to spend more time creating detailed plans and designs for a larger facility, taking into account factors such as the placement of equipment, lighting, and ventilation. Similarly, engineers will need to assess the structural requirements of the facility and ensure that the design meets safety standards. All of these factors can increase the overall cost of the project.

It’s essential to work closely with these professionals to ensure that the design is both functional and cost-effective. Collaborating with architects and engineers throughout the design process can help identify areas where costs can be reduced without sacrificing the quality of the facility.

Contractors play a vital role in the construction process, and their fees can also be affected by the complexity of the project. A more intricate design may require specialized labor and equipment, resulting in higher fees. However, it’s essential to work with experienced contractors who can provide accurate cost estimates and ensure that the project stays within budget.

Labor costs

Skilled labor, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, will typically cost more than unskilled labor due to their specialized training and expertise.

Skilled labor is essential for tasks that require a higher level of knowledge and precision, such as installing electrical systems or constructing specialized equipment. The expertise and attention to detail provided by skilled labor can ensure that the facility is safe, functional, and meets performance standards.

On the other hand, unskilled labor can be used for more basic tasks that do not require specialized knowledge or training, such as cleaning or landscaping. These tasks may be less expensive, but it’s crucial to ensure that the work is done properly and meets safety standards.

It’s essential to work with contractors who have experience in constructing indoor track and field facilities and can provide accurate cost estimates for skilled labor. By working with experienced contractors, you can ensure that the project stays within budget while still receiving high-quality work.

Permits and fees

During the construction process of an indoor track and field facility, various permits and fees will be required to ensure compliance with building codes and regulations. These fees can add up and significantly impact the overall cost of construction.

Building permits are necessary to ensure that the construction meets safety and zoning regulations. The cost of building permits varies depending on the size and complexity of the facility, and the location of the construction site. Zoning permits are also necessary to ensure that the construction is in compliance with local zoning regulations.

Inspection fees are another necessary cost during the construction process. Inspections are required at various stages of construction, such as after the foundation is laid or the framing is completed, to ensure that the construction meets safety and building standards. The cost of inspections can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the number of inspections required.

Other fees that may be required during the construction process include impact fees, utility connection fees, and administrative fees. Impact fees are levied to cover the cost of additional infrastructure or services required due to the construction project. Utility connection fees are charged by utility companies for connecting the facility to the necessary utilities such as electricity, water, and gas.

Funding options for constructing an indoor track and field facility

Government grants and loans

Federal, state, and local governments offer grants and loans to fund construction projects that promote economic development, community health, and other social and public benefits. The availability and eligibility of grants and loans vary by location and project type. For example, the U.S. Department of Education offers grants through its Carol M. White Physical Education Program to fund physical education and fitness programs in schools, including indoor track and field facilities. State and local governments may offer similar grant programs or low-interest loans for construction projects. These funding options often require a detailed project proposal and budget, as well as a demonstrated need and potential impact on the community.

Private funding and sponsorships

Local businesses, organizations, and individuals may be willing to donate or sponsor the construction of a facility in exchange for recognition or other benefits. For example, a local company may sponsor the naming rights of the facility or provide funding for specific equipment or amenities. Athletic organizations or foundations may also provide funding or sponsorships for construction projects that align with their mission and goals. Before seeking private funding or sponsorships, we shall develop a clear proposal and plan for the construction project, including the potential benefits to the community and the recognition and benefits that sponsors may receive. Building relationships and connections with potential donors and sponsors can also be helpful in securing private funding.

Fundraising and community involvement

Fundraising and community involvement can also be effective strategies for funding the construction of an indoor track and field facility. Fundraising events, such as charity runs, auctions, or sponsorships, can help raise money from the local community and beyond. Crowdfunding platforms and online fundraising campaigns can also be utilized to engage a wider audience and collect donations. Next, involving the local community in the project can generate support and participation, which can translate into financial contributions or in-kind donations, such as volunteer labor or materials. Community involvement can also include engaging with local schools, sports teams, and organizations to garner support and partnerships. Building a strong community network and rallying support can be a valuable strategy to generate funding for the construction of an indoor track and field facility.

Considerations for designing and building an indoor track and field facility

Layout and configuration of the track and field events

The track and field events that will be hosted at the facility should be considered when determining the layout and configuration. For example, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has specific guidelines for the design and dimensions of indoor tracks, including the number of lanes, the radius of the curves, and the length of the straightaways. The dimensions of the field events, such as the pole vault, high jump, and shot put areas, should also be taken into account when designing the facility.

The layout of the seating and spectator areas should be planned for maximum viewing and safety. The cost of materials, equipment, and labor can vary depending on the complexity of the layout and configuration of the facility. Therefore, careful consideration of the layout and configuration should be made during the planning stages to ensure the most cost-effective design for the facility.

Flooring and surface options

There are several flooring and surface options to consider when constructing an indoor track and field facility. The type of surface used can impact the performance of athletes, the safety of the facility, and the overall cost of construction. Here are some common options:

Synthetic tracks

Synthetic tracks are an increasingly popular choice for indoor track and field facilities due to their consistency and performance. They are typically made of rubber or polyurethane materials and are known for their excellent shock absorption, traction, and durability. Synthetic tracks are the preferred option for many professional track and field competitions due to their high-performance capabilities. However, they are generally more expensive to install and maintain than other options. Regular maintenance is essential to keep synthetic tracks in optimal condition, including regular cleaning, repairs, and occasional resurfacing to maintain the track’s performance and extend its lifespan. Overall, synthetic tracks are a premium option that provides a reliable and long-lasting surface for indoor track and field facilities.

Hardwood floors

Hardwood floors are a popular choice for indoor track and field facilities that also host other sports such as basketball or volleyball. The smooth surface of hardwood floors provides excellent traction and shock absorption for athletes. Moreover, they are highly durable and can withstand heavy usage over time. If damaged, hardwood floors can be refinished to restore their original appearance and performance. However, they require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition, including cleaning, sanding, and refinishing as needed. Besides, hardwood floors are more susceptible to moisture and humidity, which can cause them to warp or swell. As a result, proper temperature and humidity controls are crucial to maintaining the longevity of the hardwood floors. Despite these maintenance requirements, hardwood floors remain a popular choice for indoor track and field facilities due to their aesthetic appeal and performance benefits for athletes.

Tartan tracks

Tartan tracks are a type of synthetic track surface made of rubberized materials and are highly regarded for their exceptional durability and low maintenance requirements. They are designed to provide high-performance benefits, including excellent shock absorption and traction for athletes, making them a popular choice among professional track and field facilities. Tartan tracks offer several advantages over other types of surfaces, such as their resistance to weather, ultraviolet light, and other environmental factors that can cause damage to the track. Furthermore, their superior durability means that they can withstand heavy usage and remain in good condition for a longer time. However, these premium features come at a cost, and Tartan tracks are considered an expensive option compared to other synthetic surfaces. Nevertheless, their reputation for quality and performance makes them an attractive investment for serious track and field athletes and facilities.

Multi-purpose surfaces

To cater to the needs of multiple sports, some indoor track and field facilities may opt for multi-purpose surfaces that can be used for a variety of activities, including track and field events. These surfaces are typically made of durable materials such as rubber or polyurethane, and designed to provide good traction, shock absorption, and longevity for multiple sports. Multi-purpose surfaces offer several advantages, including cost-effectiveness and flexibility. With a single surface that can accommodate different activities, facility owners can save on construction and maintenance costs, and provide more opportunities for a diverse range of athletes. Furthermore, multi-purpose surfaces can also improve the overall user experience by providing consistent performance across different sports and reducing the need for frequent surface replacements.

Natural grass

While natural grass can be an option for indoor field event areas, such as shot put and discus, it is less common due to certain challenges. Natural grass requires significant maintenance to remain in good condition, including regular watering, mowing, and fertilization. This can make it difficult to maintain a high-quality surface for indoor facilities, where the grass is not exposed to natural sunlight or rain. Besides, natural grass may not provide the level of durability or traction that is required for high-performance events, especially if the grass becomes worn or damaged over time. For these reasons, many indoor track and field facilities opt for synthetic surfaces that can provide consistent and reliable performance with minimal maintenance.

Lighting and temperature control

The lighting should be designed to provide optimal visibility for athletes and spectators, while also being energy-efficient. The type of stadium lighting used can impact the overall cost of construction and ongoing maintenance costs. LED lighting is becoming increasingly popular due to its energy efficiency and long lifespan.

Temperature control is also critical for indoor track and field facilities, as athletes need to be able to perform at their best in a comfortable environment. HVAC systems can be used to regulate the temperature and humidity levels in the facility. However, these systems can also add to the overall cost of construction and ongoing maintenance. Natural ventilation options such as windows and skylights can be used to help regulate temperature and reduce energy costs.

Proper lighting and temperature control not only improve the comfort and safety of athletes and spectators, but also impact the overall energy efficiency and operational costs of the facility. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to carefully consider these factors during the planning and construction phases of an indoor track and field facility.

Accessibility and safety measures

The facility should be designed to be accessible to all athletes, coaches, and spectators, regardless of physical ability. This may include the installation of wheelchair ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms. Accessibility requirements can add to the overall cost of construction, but it is essential to ensure that the facility is inclusive and welcoming to all.

Safety measures are also crucial in any sports facility. Indoor tracks and field facilities should have proper lighting, clearly marked emergency exits, and first aid stations. The track surface should be designed to minimize the risk of injuries and be regularly inspected for any hazards. Protective equipment, such as padding and netting, may be necessary for field event areas to prevent injuries to athletes and spectators. Safety measures can add to the overall cost of construction, but they are essential to ensure the well-being of athletes and spectators.

Aside from accessibility and safety measures, the facility should also comply with all local and national building codes and regulations. This includes obtaining proper permits and undergoing regular inspections. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, legal issues, and potentially unsafe conditions for athletes and spectators.


Constructing an indoor track and field facility can be a significant investment with various costs to consider. Factors such as location, size, materials, amenities, and specialized features all contribute to the overall cost. The initial construction costs, which include site preparation, design, and construction, can range from moderate to high depending on the scope of the project. Besides, ongoing operational costs, such as maintenance, utilities, and staffing, should also be considered when evaluating the total cost of owning and operating an indoor track and field facility. It’s crucial to carefully analyze and budget for all the costs associated with constructing and maintaining an indoor track and field facility to ensure that the project is financially viable and sustainable in the long term.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for further details and to request an estimate for the construction of your indoor running track facilities. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with comprehensive information regarding the costs associated with your project. We understand that each project is unique, and we are equipped to assist you in determining the most accurate and cost-effective solution to meet your specific needs.

Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in all aspects of indoor running track construction, from design to installation. We can guide you through the entire process, offering expert advice and insights to ensure that your project is completed efficiently and within budget. Whether you are a school, gym, or recreational facility, we have the expertise to handle projects of all sizes and complexities.

When you contact us, you can expect personalized attention and a commitment to excellence. We take the time to understand your requirements and work closely with you to develop a customized plan that meets your goals and budgetary constraints. Our team will thoroughly evaluate your site and provide you with a detailed estimate that includes all the necessary components, such as materials, labor, equipment, and any other associated costs.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to request an estimate for your indoor running track construction project. We look forward to assisting you in bringing your vision to life and creating a top-notch facility that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Contact us for a free consultation